April 15, 1912 | 03.10 am.

849 17 0

"Kathy. Kathy! Wake up, Kathy, there's a boat!"

I heard Rose saying my name multiple times. I knew I should respond but I couldn't. My mouth was frozen, so were my eyes, so was my entire body. Rose shook my body as hard as she managed to, but I just couldn't answer.

Suddenly she stopped shaking me and I heard water splashing. She swam away. She left me because she thought I was dead. NO! I wasn't dead. I was weak but alive. Please Rose, I screamed in my thoughts, don't leave me here, please! But not a word was leaving my mouth.

Eventually light fell on me, blinding me even with closed eyes. A paddle was stroking my legs and I tried with all the strength I had left to pull myself up.

I managed to turn on my back and when I opened my eyes, I saw the person I was searching for the entire night. I need to be with him forever, for the rest of my life.

He leaned down to me grabbing my arms, pulling me up. "Come here, darling. Everything's okay now."

As soon I was in the boat, he put a blanket around my shoulders and wrapped me in his arms, warming me. He gave some instructions to the other boatmen on the boat, but I didn't know what he was saying – I fell asleep. Safe, alive, in his arms.

07:30 a.m.

Three hours ago the RMS Carpathia arrived to rescue the 710 survivors.

I, on the other hand, was sleeping since I got on the rescue boat. Slowly opening my eyes and finding myself wrapped in a blanket and in a pair of strong arms - Harold's. He noticed me waking up, trembling. "Hey, it's okay, everything's okay. I'm here, I'm here." He slowly rocked my still cooled body, pressing light kisses on my head. I tried to turn around, facing him, kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, warming up from the inside. People were looking, yes. They were shaking their heads, either in disgust or disappointment. But I couldn't care less.

I pulled away. "Jack", I whispered, "is he – "

"I am so, so sorry, Kathy", he whispered back, answering the question I couldn't ask. I had to oppress a scream, by pressing my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around me, holding me back from falling apart.

I lost my brother, my best friend, my family, my protector and I had no idea whose fault it was. In the end, I was putting it on me. I should've let him survive with Rose, but shoving this thought aside, thinking of myself and Harold. Was I selfish for my decisions? Maybe. But did Jack want me to have a future? Yes.

"Excuse me, could you tell me you name, please?", an officer from Carpathia asked.

"Harold and Kathy Lowe."

"Thank you."

I looked up. "What?"

"I know the circumstances could be better, Kathy. But I cannot wait any longer." He put his hand on my cheek, stroking it slowly. "Will you marry me?"

I felt my mouth forming a smile. "I- Of course I will marry you!"

He smiled, kissing me. This time more passionate than ever before. I knew he was the right one since the moment I met him and I knew my brother wanted this for me. I knew he would be happy when I was happy.

Wherever he was right now, I knew he was smiling. I knew he was happy.

Because I was.

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