April 13, 1912

745 19 3

"Uhm, Kathy, wait", he whispered.

We let go of the most wonderful kiss in the world. "What is it?"

"Maybe we shouldn't do that here. Come on, let's go to my cabin", he said.

"Your cabin? But people will see us", I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and took my hand. "Would it be so bad if they'd see us?"

"I made sure I wouldn't be seen walking up here, and now I should just go to your room like it's nothing?"

He laughed.

"Would you stop that?", I said a little bit upset.

"Stop what?"

"You exactly do know what I mean!"

He laughed again – I don't believe it! "Okay, let's go to your room, but if anybody asks, you will have to talk us out of it!"

"Deal", he said and pulled me to the officer's quarters.

To my surprise, we didn't meet anyone, so no one asked – obviously. Harold pushed the door to his cabin open. The room wasn't big, but it looked better than the cabins in steerage. There was a closet filled with nothing but a piece of Harold's uniform, no clue what it was. The bed wasn't big, but I believe two people would've fit in.

"See, nobody saw us", he said smirking.

"Yes, nobody did. And now?", I asked. And now?! Seriously you can't think of anything more stupid to say. What do you think what's going to – oh my god, no! I don't really think it's the perfect place for it! My thoughts really weren't anything smarter than what I just said. I believe I was just going crazy. I liked him so much, that I went crazy.

He stepped closer to me, no, actually he went to a chair, which I didn't notice at first, and he took his coat off. Now he was wearing a tie and a white shirt. And at this moment he took off his cap, I realized that I haven't seen him without it yet. His hair was curly and dark brown. And he looked different now, of course same good as before, but this cap thing really changed his look. Weird.

"Give me your jacket", he said. I took it off and handed it to him, just that he can lay it over the chair. Then he took my hand and pulled me to the bed. We sat down.

For a few second no one said something. It wasn't an embarrassing silence. I looked a bit through his room and spotted a blank sheet of paper and a pen. "Do you need this?", I asked and pointed at the paper.


Then I stood up and got it. I looked for something I could use as underground so I can draw, and I spotted something that looked like my drawing folder. I picked it up from the small table next to the chair and went back to the bed.

"What are you doing?", he asked me.

"I'm going to draw you", I said.

"Again?", he said while chuckling.

I nodded and told him to sit tight. Then I started to draw.

When I finished the drawing, I showed him. "Wow, that looks good. I mean, you drew good."

We laughed. Then it was quiet again. We looked each other deep in the eyes, long. I felt like I could never stop to look in his wonderful brown eyes. But I was wrong, I could. I threw the drawing, the folder and the pen from the bed, crawled to Harold quickly and kissed him.

"Whoa, Kathy", he said, I believe he was a little surprised.

"Sorry", I said breathless. "I didn't mean too –"

I was interrupted by an even better kiss than before. "Don't always try to apologize for something you don't have to", he whispered.

I smiled.

He chuckled and kissed me again. We fell into the warm, white bedsheets and didn't stop kissing. And if we did it was because we fell asleep.

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