Chapter 2

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The only thing rushing through (Y/n)'s mind as she ran was the worry for Elizabeth's safety. But, when a tremor shook the ground, and the wind started to howl, then (Y/n)'s mind drifted to what could have caused it. Clouds began to cover the sky as the Navy men ran, (Y/n) and the Governor with them.

Ahead, (Y/n) spotted the unknown man hauling Elizabeth onto the dock, Murtogg and Mullroy helping place her on the dock.

"Not breathing!" Mullroy stressed as he checked Elizabeth.

"Move!" the man told him, and he grabbed a knife and cut open her tight corset. Immediately, Elizabeth's eye's opened and she coughed out the water she inhaled. The man handed her corset to Murtogg.

"I never would've thought of that." Mullroy said.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." the man said. He looked at Elizabeth closer, and noticed a long golden necklace that hung on her chest. He picked up the trinket on the end, seeing it to be a large golden coin, intricately designed. "Where did you get that?" he asked.

(Y/n) and the Navy men approached the scene. James had his sword out and pointed it at the man. "On your feet!" he ordered. The man glanced at the sword first, before looking up and seeing who it belonged to. He stood up as Governor Swann and (Y/n) helped up Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth! Are you all right?" Governor Swann asked, draping his coat over his daughter.

"Yes, I'm fine." Elizabeth answered.

Now that (Y/n) was up close, she could get a good look at the man in front of her. He had long brown dreadlocks held back by a red bandana across his forehead, a small beaded coin sat upon it. He had a brown vest over an off-white blouse, a red and white cloth wrapped around his waist, and brown boots. A mustache and goatee adorned his face. (Y/n) had to admit, he was quite handsome. He looked at those around him, his brown eyes stopping a bit longer where (Y/n) stood. He looked her up and down just enough to be noticeable, before smirking, showing off his few golden teeth. She felt her face heat up slightly at his gaze and she looked away.

Governor Swann looked to Murtogg, who still held Elizabeth's corset. At his gaze, the soldier dropped the corset and pointed to the unknown man, indicating he took it off.

"Shoot him!" Swann commanded.

"Father!" Elizabeth stopped. Looking back at James, she said, "Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?"

James debated for a second, before nodding to his men to lower their guns as he put away his sword. The man gave prayer hands in thanks towards Elizabeth.

"I believe thanks are in order." James said, holding out his hand to shake. The man considered it for a moment, hesitating, then reach out and lightly grabbed James's hand. James grasped his hand firmly, and pulled the man's arm forward, shrugging off the fabric covering his wrist. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?" James said as he looked at the P branded on the man's arm. The man winced a bit at James's claim.

"Hang him!" Governor Swann then commanded.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons!" James ordered. James pushed up the fabric a bit more to see a tattoo of a sparrow flying into the sunset over the ocean. "Well, well. Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" James said, roughly dropping Jack's hand.

Jack Sparrow? THE Jack Sparrow? (Y/n) thought. Elizabeth had sometimes told (Y/n) of the books she read about pirates. Some of them included a great pirate captain by the name of Jack Sparrow.

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." Jack stated, his voice low.

James pretended to look around the dock before saying, "Well, I don't see your ship, 'Captain'."

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