Chapter 4: First Day

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Author's Corner

Hello you beautiful people, Pixel here. And welcome back to Blazing Hero: Deku. And I know what you're going to say. "Where have you been? or why haven't I been uploading anything on last month?" Well, I can answer that. You see, I decided to change things up with my chapter upload timetable. I'm still going to upload new chapters on my other stories monthly but for Blazing Hoer and Deku X. I upload new chapters for them in a two-month interval to make up of school time.

Okay, enough of that. Let's get to it

Now of the disclaimers

"I, Pixel's Fanbooks, do not own any of the following: Characters, Names, Music (OST), Pictures, Powers and or people in this story, I only own the OC's and Original Powers used in this story. All Characters are owned by their respective owners

Chapter 4: First Day


Those were what Izuku was currently feeling as he was tossing and turning in his bed. The sheets were on the floor after he got it off him when he changed sleep positions even few minutes in hopes to find the right one he felt was right and comfortable and finally make him feel asleep. But nothing worked, he went through a few, one where he laid on his back. That didn't work, he changes to where he was laying on his stomach. Also, didn't work. He even tried to sleep with his feet suspended in the air but again, no effect.

'Can't sleep.' Izuku thought as he finally gave up on trying to get himself to sleep the normal way. He got up and walked out of his room and quietly made his way to the kitchen in to get the thing that's been helping him get some sleep. He went to one of the cupboards and looked in it for his solution. It didn't take long for him to find the item that'll help him out. He took out a cardboard package of Camille tea, the sleepiest of teas.

He took out one teabag and placed it in a mug, he then poured in some water from the tap and knew that if he used the kettle, it would wake up everyone else. So he lifted the mug above his right hand and lit it with his green fire and in seconds, the tea started to warm up and soon Izuku stopped the flame before it blew the cup up. He then begun to drink the hot liquid contented in the cup, not even feeling the heat from the tea as he discovered that he could eat things at the highest temperature. He was so invested in his tea that he didn't someone was watching him from the moment he walked into the kitchen

"Hello." A monotone voice said behind Izuku which made him jump and almost made him drop his mug. He turned around to see the girl with the red and white hair and burn scar mark on her left side of her face was sitting at the table with a bowl of soba in front of her as she stared at him

"Uh...hi..." Izuku greeted

"Why are you up so late?" The girl asked, while taking a bite of her soba

"I...couldn't fall asleep. So, I thought that I cold drink my tea and that'll help me fall asleep."

"Okay..." the girl said as she continued to stare at Izuku with a blank expression

The two just stood/sat there in an awkward silence with Izuku feeling it and didn't like how it was. he decided to break the silence with small talk

"W-Well. I guess I just..."

"You won't beat me..." The girl suddenly said, cutting Izuku off and made him confused at what she said

"Uh?" Izuku uttered as the girl stood up and picked up the now empty

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