Chapter 1: The Aftermath

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Hi guys, Pixel here. I woke up late the day after I published the story and I saw that I had over 51 emails and I saw that this story gained so many followers and favs in a short period of time, guys I was not expecting that this story would get this much attention so fast. I would like to thank you for the follows and favs. Now let's get to the story and look at the aftermath of the fight and Izuku's new power manifestation. Please enjoy the story and I'll talk to you in the end, peace!

Disclaimer: I don't own any that is related to Boku No Hero Academia or the OST of the anime or any other animes. I do own moves and OCs

Chapter 1: The Aftermath


Utter utter suffering pain. That was the first thing that Izuku felt as soon as he started to stir. He opens his eyes and was greeted by a white ceiling. He heard machines beeping in the background and he heard cars and people talking in the background as well but his head was banging because the sounds were too much for him.

' head...where am I?' Thought Izuku as he tries to get up but stopped as he felt utter pain on his right arm, he fell back on the bed as he grabs his right shoulder as he tries to calm the pain down. He looked down to his arm to see what was wrong and saw that it was heavily bandaged from his hand to his upper bicep. He looked around his body to see that he had bandages wrapped around him from his chest to his left leg. He flops back down to his bed as he now realises that he is in the hospital. But the question is...why?

'Okay, I'm in the hospital...I get that but the question is...why? Did I get injured during the villain attack. The last thing I remember fire and seeing Kacchan getting...KACCHAN! IS SHE ALRIGHT? IS SHE STILL IN DANGER! IS SHE...'

Izuku couldn't finish his thought as he heard a door. He turned and saw one nurse entering the room, she saw he and gasped as she dropped her tray of thing as she ran out the room and Izuku heard her scream.

"DOCTOR! HE'S AWAKE! YES, THE BOY IS AWAKE!" Shouted the nurse as Izuku was wondering why was the nurse shouting. He didn't have to wait for his answer as he heard a set of feet running closer to the room, he then saw the door opening as he saw a doctor, his mother and...All Might?.

"Ohhh Izuku! My baby!" shouted the mother of the only known male in Japan as she rushed and hugged him ever so tightly as he hissed in pain as the hug was really not helping.

"Mom! That hurts!" cried Izuku as he was feeling more pain as the hug continued. Inko realized that her son was still hurting and her hug was making thing worse for him, she released him and smiles sheepishly

"O-O-O-O-Oh sorry sweetie. I was just so worried when I got a call that you got hurt during a villain attack." Said Inko as her tears returned in full force. Izuku looked at his mother and saw how worried she was as he saw the tears fall. He stretched out his left hand and wiped the tears off. Inko looked up at her son and saw a sad smile on his face.

"Mom I know that you were worried about me but I'm fine yes." Izuku said as he hugged his mother who returned the hug as the two hugged for a while and they broke apart

"So, Zuzu, how do you feel?" Inko asked to her child, worried about his healthy

"A bit stiff and sore but aside from my arm and muscles, I'm okay." Izuku said

"Good, because I was scared that you won't wake you." Inko said with relief

"Mom, I've been a sleep for a few hours." Izuku said, slightly annoyed by his mother over worried and protective ways, he was missing the concern on his mother's face. Inko placed a

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