Hiatus Status...

358 4 2

Hey y'all, Pixel here, and no, this isn't a new chapter, I'm here to give a little announcement I guess.

I know I said that I'll be uploading loads of chapters of my stories in the coming months but...due to some...issues that have come into my life, I'm, with a heavy heart, being forced to putting the majority of my stories on hiatus. One of those things is that for some reason, I've been experiencing some...things happening around me and I have no idea what's going on. And no, it's not the sites, it's...something like, and it's bugging me on what could it be.

If you're wondering what I'm even talking about, it's something that happens whenever I'm busy editing a chapter of any story, regardless of what is it. It's like a-


That...that's what I've been dealing with. It's been happening to me for about a month now and while I fix whatever it is, it'd been getting worse as the month's been going on. At this point, I don't know what's going on, so until I figure out what's happening and why, these are the stories that will be going on hiatus until further notice:

A Spark Of A Hero

Blazing Hero: Deku

Cinnamon Bun's Music: Remix

DC Academia Girls

Izuku's Dragon Maid Academia

Morphin' Heroes!

Rick, Naruto & Morty

The Loud House: Doujinshi

As you can see, the only stories that aren't on Hiatus are:

Deku X

Fox Among Fairies

The Alien Hero: Deku 10

Total Drama Maelstrom: Island

Since I know that three of them are popular and I know y'all will be disappointed if I put them on hiatus, that and you'd fight for them to be active. Now, you're wondering, why Deku X, why is still active when I haven't uploaded a chapter for it in a while. Well, I've been making a few chapters on the back burner and I'm planning on dropping one of these chapters before the end of the month with more coming.

There, that's all I have to say in regards to the announcement, and I hope you truly understand this decision, I hate doing this since I love my stories and I love y'all reading them, but for the safety of my life and PC and stories, I have to do this. I'll talk to y'all later and see you over at Total Drama Maelstrom: land since the next chapter will be up by tomorrow



Not again...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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