Chapter 5: Suit Up!!

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Author's Corner:




["Different Language"]


Text/Phone call/Comm-link/Quirk Info

'Future Izuku Narration'

"All Might Talking."

...Damn, it's been a minute.

Pixel here and...well, I'm back on this story after not being on it or not even writing a damn thing related to it for over a year and near 4 months. I was busy with issues like school, work, riots, mentally issues, health issues, life, relationship issues or the lack of one, other stories, and the damn biggest issue of all: Writer's Block

But I'm back here since I'm bored and I need to get this story and Deku X up in running again for what I have planned later when Deku 10 reaches a certain chapter and hurry up with the new story to at least reach where I can use Izuku there for this plan. But let's forget about that for now and focus on the story

'Kay, I'm not going to reply to the last chapter's reviews/comments since it'll take too long and I need to get back to the groove of things on this and see just what I was plotting for this. But I promise that I'll try to reply to them next time...that is if I even make another chapter after this one...

Okay...let's start on this and sorry if it sucks, is short, or feels rushed, I'm rusty on the story. I really need to build my mind back up with this and try to remember what I had planned for this when I first made it

Blazing Hero: Deku!

Chapter 5: Suit Up!

It was the next day and we once again find ourselves in Class 1-A as they were having an English lesson with Present Mic.

While U.A was a mainly School dedicated to those becoming heroes or those who are going to work in something that's related to the Hero business, there were still main core classes like English, Maths, Home Eco, and other subjects from any normal High School. They still had to be taught, even if you were in the Hero Course

"Now, which of these four sentences contains an error?" Present Mic asks as most of the class was focusing on the lesson, while some didn't....

'This is so boring...' Those who weren't interested in the lesson thought in unison. Bakugou was one of those that wasn't invested in the lesson but unlike the others, she had her head down on her desk with her arms folded onto the desk, she didn't want anyone to see her red puffy eyes

Present Mic sees that the students weren't really answering her question or not even paying any attention to the lesson

"C'mon People! This isn't the time to be like dead fish, your fine young ladies in the prime of your youths. Live a little!" Present Mic yells, using her quirk a little to gain everyone's attention. One of the girls lift their hand up, gaining her attention

"Yes, Little listener?!" Present Mic yells

"Uh, teach. I think you're forgetting one thing." Momo says, pointing to the person who was just one desk from her. Present Mic follows and sees that she was pointing to Izuku who had been reading his grammar textbook until he felt someone was directly looking at him. He looks at her with a raised eyebrow, which makes her remember her words and become sheepish

Blazing Hero: Deku (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now