Chapter 2

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'Wait, "they?"' I questioned the people that returned from the trip to Mount Weather. 'Who's they?'

'The Grounders' Finn added. 'They took him. It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder.'

A grounder? So we're not the only one's on Earth? We were so scared that the radiation was going to kill us but now we had to worry about people hunting us down. For all we know, they're coming to kill us right now.

'We need to go save him now before it gets dark.' Clarke announced. Then a boy steps in, volunteering to rescue Jasper with Clarke. She quickly shook her head, disagreeing with him. 'Sorry Monty, but you're not going.'

Monty raised his voice. 'The hell I'm not. Jasper is my best friend.'

'You're too important. You were raised on Farm Station and recruited by engineering' Clarke reasoned with him. 'You figure out how to talk to the Ark and I'll bring Jasper back.'

'I'm not going anywhere, and neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet.' Finn had a point, we don't know who we were up against. It maybe dangerous but we had to save Jasper; he's one of us.

'So what, we let Jasper die? That's not gonna happen.' Clarke continued with a disgusted look on her face. 'Spacewalker? What a joke. You think you're such an adventurer. You're really just a coward.'

'Hey, hey. no need to talk to him like that.' I said as I defended my best friend. 'But Finn's right, we don't know who we're up against. It isn't safe.'

Clarke laughed lightly. 'Right, another Spacewalker speaks. Did you guys actually spacewalk or did you guys actually get arrested for something else?'

I raised my eyebrows. 'For your information, yes we spacewalked. Why does it even matter? What matters is, we need to be smart about saving Jasper. And besides, who said I wasn't going?'

'If Y/N is going, count me in.' John stepped in as I volunteered to go with Clarke.

Finn took a step forward, 'Y/N, you can't go. You're gonna get yourself killed.'

'You can't tell me what to do, Finn.' John had a smug on his face as I told Finn off. I sighed, 'And John, I don't need you to protect me. You're acting like a lunatic and we don't need that when we're trying to save Jasper.'

'I need to protect you. I want to help.' John implied.

'Well, help me by helping yourself first, John. I can't have you starting fights every time you see something you don't like.' We had to focus on getting Jasper back from the grounders. I didn't have time pulling John away from fights every five minutes.

Looking around to see who else was volunteering, my eyes went to Bellamy. 'Blake, you're coming. That gun you're carrying can come to use.'

'And why would I want to help you, Reyes?' Bellamy addressed as he put his hands on his waist.

'Because you're the leader. Don't you want to lead your "colony" by showing that you care for your people?'

Bellamy huffed, 'Fine but Murphy's coming with me. Atom? My sister doesn't leave this camp. Is that clear?'

Octavia replied as she rolled her eyes, 'I don't need a babysitter.'

'John isn't coming. End of discussion.'

'I'm not listening to you. End of discussion.' He spat as he walked off to talk to Octavia.

Clarke stood by me, 'It's okay. The more people we have the better and as long as Wells doesn't come with us, there wouldn't be any conflict. Besides I'll keep an eye on him if that makes you feel better.'

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