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"They were right! I am weak! I am useless! I am a loser! But I already buried it beneath this lion's skin! I am not weak, not anymore! I am not useless, not anymore! I am not a loser, not anymore!" I said while running away passing through the bushes and trees, everything besides me was dark, black, full of shadows. But in front of me, I see the sunlight, the light of the sunset, the red-orange blinding light. I closed my eyes and shouted, "I am! I am! I am! I am a—!"

"Kyah!" moans of a very soft and gentle voice of a woman.

I bumped into something soft and fluffy like two pillows. I want to let my face sink in, and rest for a while, but I felt someone patted my hood. I looked up and saw a face of a young lady whose hair was amber as well as her eyes and her skin was like beach sand. She smiled at me, a gentle one.

"Sorry," I said, and took a step backward.

"No need to apologize," she said with a soft and almost musical voice. "It's my fault anyway. I did not see you."

I nodded. There was a crack smile on the corner of her reddish-pink lips, and then a pinky tongue came out, then she licked her lips. I ran after I saw that.

I whispered, "Tsk! What's wrong with that lady? She is a beauty yet smelled like a dead rat! Though her soft and fluffy white dress smells like a Sampaguita."

At dusk, in the corner of my eyes, I saw the girl who warned me. She's sitting alone on the decayed bench in the middle of the grassy field. She's looking at me, straight face and plainly. Her red-orange hair flips as the wind passes by. She was surrounded by the darkness of the land despite that, I saw her clearly as if there was a light with her, perhaps she's the light itself. She was the moon, I thought.

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