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We covered our eyes with our hands as the blinding yellow light welcomed us. The hunters are queued, all of them are standing firmly and attentively, they are holding a torch in their left hand and a spear in the other hand.

As my father stood before them they thrust the bottom part of their spears on the ground leaving it standing and then they nodded two times.

My dad saluted back and the hunters put their right hand at their back without touching their body. It is too dangerous that they are not looking at their torches, I thought. My dad looked at the highest wooden tower and nodded, then the sound of a hunter's horn echoed.

"Woah! They are so cool!" we said with sparkles in our eyes and open mouth.

"So this is how the hunters queued," said Engoy.

"We will have a meeting. You guys go back home now, no wandering at night! Understand!?" said my father.

"Very well understood! Sir!" we said with a straight and firm voice.

My father turned his back to us and started to walk to the queued hunters without looking back and saying anything. He just walked straight with a puffed chest and chin high.

"By the way, Leyon," said Jagar.

"We are really sorry for what we did and said earlier!" the boys said while their right fist rested on their left chest, except Tigri.

He said plainly, "Forgive what we have said earlier and we realized that it was wrong. Still, you lose at the game, so you are a loser."

"Ah! C'mon, Tigri," said Engoy. "Try to be honest."

"Do I look not?" said Tigri pointing his finger at his face.

"Well, he is Tigri," said Beher. "Can't do anything about it."

"So?" said Jagar. "Will you forgive us and still be your friends?"

I inhaled and said, "Well, right, I will forgive you guys for what you said and did to me but I cannot still fully forgive if you guys don't apologize to my mother."

Tigri put his right fist on his left chest, and the boys said, "We are also sorry for what we said about your mother."

I put my right fist on my left chest, and then we lower our hand down slowly. I giggled and said, "Still you guys looked like monsters at that time!"

"Still you looked like a cat who was struck by lightning at the time you were running!" said Beher.

"Ah! C'mon guys!" I said laughingly.

We giggled as loud as we could.

"Okay! time to go to your home, we will now apologize to your mother," said Engoy.

We took a step forward, and heard a different woman's loud voices, calling out each of my friends' names, with fierce and irritation in it.

"Hoi! Engoy! Where did you go? Huh!" said Engoy's mother while pinching his left ear.

"You naughty kid! Do you know what time it is?" said Tigri's mother slapping his butt with her slipper.

"uh-oh! uh-oh!" this time Beher's mother is pinching his hair on his right sideburn.

"Oh! Thanks! You are safe! What makes you so late?" said Jagar's mother with a sincere and worried smile, while hugging him tightly. We looked at him, straight eyes. I guess, he was lucky.

"We did some adventure in the forest and rescue Leyon, sorry for being late," said Jagar.

The mothers greeted each other with a smile. They checked me if I was alright and asked me a few questions about what happened, I answered them truthfully, and then they waved and said goodbye to me before turning their backs. My friends told me that they will apologize to my mother tomorrow morning.

I froze at the moment and said, "Oh no! How could I forget it!?"

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