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My mother once told me, if I am in bad shape, if no one is going to help, if I'm feeling hopeless, just ask and trust Bathala for his miracle. But I don't believe it, I hate superstitions. How can I trust something that I cannot see and touch? I don't understand why my mother and father, the villagers, believe, living on something like that. What are they? Fools?

But this situation changes it. I want to live longer. I don't want to die. I must do anything in order to survive. It's just because I haven't proven anything, yet.

I said with all my vocal strength, "Oh Bathala! If my mother, father, the villagers are not a fool for believing in such a thing! If you are really existing! Please! Please lend me your strength Batha—"

"Oh?" whispered a woman's voice into my right ear, "So you believe in something like that?" Every air coming out of her mouth is tickling my ear. "But I am sure it doesn't exist. The things that existed are those you can see and feel," she blew a little air on my ear, it tickles. "Like this," I felt her cold-soft lips bite my right ear, the curve one, gently, then her wet-slimy-cold tongue slowly licking all over the curve-part through the hole of my ear leaving slimy-cold liquid. I felt extreme electricity shocking all my nerves. It woke me up, my entire body, my senses.

I glanced to my right and saw the monster smirking at me, and then she licks her lips all over. I immediately pull out something from my cloak and throw it quickly directly at the monster, it hits her forehead. Impulses are crazy, I thought. After seeing the monster's agonizing face, I run.

The monster is not following me anymore, I know because the echoing laugh and the sound of flapping wings are gone. I looked back, to make sure. The monster was out of sight, but there was a cloud of black and white smoke rising above in the sky in the place I've been.

I smirked triumphantly and said, "I see! I see! I see! That's right! I completely remember now! The whole story! And how could I beat that monster!"

The story is about the Salt King and his vassal Garlic, the two gentlemen wandered in the depths of the forest finding the mansion where the curse from, they wanted to get rid of it because the curse was destroying the palace and its people. After the long adventure, they found an abandoned mansion covered by the pitch-black smoke and the smell of corpses. The two gentlemen went inside in haste, not worried about the danger waiting for them, they saw hordes of skeletons with bulk armors and sharp swords and in a faraway distance, they noticed that there was a different monster. It was larger than the rest, unable to identify since it was covered with pitch-black color, it has two long sharp horns in its forehead, the body was changing every second denying to form a shape, lastly, it has the wings and tail of a demon, perhaps it was a demon. The skeletons noticed the gentlemen and attacked them in haste, the Salt King fought them with a double sword made of salt and his vassal protected him with a huge garlic shield. The skeletons got obliterated quickly once they got slashed with the swords and bumped in the shield; after the long battle, the place got cleaned leaving the two gentlemen and the demon behind. The thing that covers the demon starting to devour the mansion so the gentlemen decided to fuse their equipment and it becomes a giant sword; they thrust the sword into the demon's body leaving it behind until it explodes and makes the demon and mansion vanished completely, the salts and the pieces of garlic rains in the forest; it shines as the dawn enters the heaven, and when it reaches the land it glows like pieces of diamonds.

I don't know some of the words but thanks to that I knew garlic and salts are effective against monsters.

A big shadow suddenly pops out at my sight.

"Owh! So you want to play with me, huh?" said the monster holding her cheeks. "Very well, tonight we will enjoy this forest," She licks her lips, "alone."

She's toying with me! Very well! I will use this as an opportunity!

I grin and said, "Then can we play 'hide n seek' this time?"

She tilted her head and said, "Are you sure? I can find you easily because I can smell your scent."

"How 'bout you stay here and do a minute countdown while I'm running away, and after the countdown, you can now chase me?"

She grinned and said, "It's just the same as we did all this time. Well, as if you have a chance of winning. Oh! This is a one-sided game even if you change the game!"

She's laughing and it echoes in the forest, again and again.

"That's true! This is a one-sided game," I said while grinning at her.

The monster was blushing and said, "Go ahead, boy! You are funny, maybe I will make you my toy."

I turned back and said, "I thought I already am!" Then I ran away in haste. I can hear her voice counting down as I run as if she's beside me.

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