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My left hand suddenly fell from my forehead. I notice that my entire body is hot, boiling as if the sun is hugging me; I felt cold from my clothes, it turned damp. I cannot move my limbs, my neck, my head. I realized I cannot control my entire body.

The shadow I saw and thought was a bat, I was wrong. It's neither a normal bat that lives in the cave nor a bat that hangs in the trees. It was a giant bat that has the upper body of a woman flying in the sky without her lower body, her belly organs hanging out. She was naked, and her pitch-black-amber hair covering her chest, she looked pale and seemed to have no blood on her body except for her eyes that look like a clotted blood, and her iris glows bright red. Her claws are so sharp and long like a dagger, her wings closely similar to a bat's that we used to see but it was a larger one that can cover her entire body.

The laughter stopped the moment I noticed her. She was grinning at me, showing her sharp teeth like knives and it glows like diamonds as her saliva fell from it.

My frozen body turns into a shaking one that I can't still even move. My heart busting in my chest, I can even hear the sound of it like clashing swords.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as much as I could, trying to calm down myself. I did it repeatedly in a way I knew that I still have time to run away.

I opened my eyes and still my body was not at ease but I felt it was lighter than before. I bit my lower lip, blood came out. The monster licked her lips.

The monster is getting closer and closer; she's about ten feet above me with a huge grin on her face reaching her sharp-pointy ears. She's still laughing and I don't know how she did it without moving her mouth, it's somehow irritating me.

Stop laughing you stupid! You monster! You nasty bat! You—! Ah! Right! They are all the same, laughing at me, and making fun of me. They are all the same, nothing's different.

I'm looking up at the monster and I feel like my friends are surrounding me. They are all laughing at me with a pitiful glare and smirk on their face. I clench my fists and my jaw.

Just laugh! you monsters! It's true that I was born weak! It's true that I have a frail body! Indeed, I'm not strong and courageous like a lion! But it's all from before! This time you guys cannot defeat me! You guys cannot win against me! There is no way that I will lose! I will defeat all of you! I hate my past self that is why I am going to change it!

I inhaled deeply and shouted, "No matter what!" These words echoed, it made the monster stop from laughing and moving.

My body is burning yet I'm shivering, perhaps trembling. My clothes are wet and sticky. In the bottom of my nose, there's a distinct sweet and heady fragrance, I inhale it, savor it. It's the fragrance of Sampaguita, encircled all over me. I'm wearing its necklace; its flowers are on my chest.

I smiled and said, "Thank you, mummy."

This is her favorite flower, and she always gives me a hand-made necklace every time I feel sad or hurt. It's sweet and calming. I remembered the time when my mother told me a story called "The Salt King and his Garlic Vassal." I knew that it was just a made-up story but I definitely enjoyed it.

The laugh was gone and the monster stopped from moving, and my body was already cooled down. It's my chance to run away. I hold my grip and stretch my feet, and then I sprint as fast as I could.

The monster shouted, "Where are you going!?" She continues her echoing laugh and I hear the noise of flapping wings coming closer.

I shouted, "Dang! I forgot which way."

I bit my lower lip.

I don't have a choice but to stop the monster from moving or else this will take me to the deepest part of the forest!

I gulped.

But am I strong enough just to do that!?

My chest is heavy; my neck hurts, each time I breathe my throat stings.

How? How can I win!? Is there really a chance!? Do I have one!?

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