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I froze at the moment and said, "Oh no! How could I forget it!?"

"Don't worry, little clumsy kid. I found it. Here, take it." said a girl's voice at my back.

I turned around and saw a girl whose hair was black, her voice still the same but the color of her hair changed, I think. But I know this is the girl who warned me. I did not take the cloak. I just stare at her, in her golden eyes. She's still wearing a black robe.

"I want it," I said.

"Then take it," she said. She's lending her hands with my cloak. I wondered why there is no dirt but still, it's tattered.

"But you need it. I don't, not anymore, I guess." I said.

"Need it? How can you say so?" she asked.

"I don't know. It's just." I replied truthfully.

"You really are a funny lion. I won't take it because I don't need it," she said.

"Take it as a gift. For warning me, though I did not listen to you," I said.

She did not say anything, just looking at me. I could not tell her what she's feeling and her emotions.

There was a brief silence.

I broke it. "It is my gift, for you," I said, smiling. I don't know why my cheeks are warm this time.

"But you did not even know me, why give such an important thing to me?" she asked.

"I didn't even know you, and I don't know if you know me, but you still warned me, and also, saved me, I think," I paused. I looked away and continued, "To protect me, I guess. Like you care about me, I guess." My body is starting to feel hot, but this time it's gentle. "Please take it, it is for myself as well. And, thank you."

I glance at her body, she's hugging my cloak. And then I look at her face, she's smiling.

In a blink of an eye, I thought we are in a grassy field with flowers and grass swaying gently, butterflies circling, birds singing and flying, the sky so blue like an ocean, and the light of the sun is shining at us warmly, wind passes by gently. I wanted to see this forever, I thought.

"See you again, in here," she said. "I will wait."

I shouted, "Then I will also hunt you and--!"

In a blink of an eye, the world was dark and black, once again. There was a clap of thunder. Now, I'm looking at the forest, alone.

I looked around. The hunters started to scatter. I went to my father.

"Dad, who is the girl?" I asked.

"A princess," he replied.

"You mean a Maharlika?"

"Someone like that. She's a princess from the other side."

"Ah! So a Maharlika from the next village on the other side of the mountain?"

He just smiled, and said, "Well, she's just like your mother."

"Tell me, dad. What is the name of our village?"

"You are now being a curious little kid, huh," said my father. I giggled a little. "Our village is called Door. The Village Door."

"Door? You mean the thing that we open before we enter the house?"

My father nodded, and said, "Something like that. And our village is always at risk. Doors are not that durable."

"Who is the monster?"

"She's not a monster. She was a princess' attendant, though she was left behind."

I sighed and said, "Dang! I am still a child. There is so much that I did not know and could not understand. I want to know, I will hunt them."

My father patted my head.

"Lions don't dream of hunting, they just go and hunt," he said. "Don't stop running, little kid."

We stood in front of a wooden house that smelled of freshly cooked soups and fruits. My father went inside first.

I smiled.

"Nothing beats coming back home."

I went inside.

"I'm home," I said, looking down at the floor. "Sorry for being late."

My mother hugged me, and used her right arm to raise my chin, I looked at her eyes and I apologized again. She kissed my forehead. "Welcome home dear, time to eat."

I stood up. She pinched my left ear dragging me to the kitchen, my father is already sitting in the middle chair. There were sinigang, lechón, adobo, dinuguan, brown rice, bibingka, banana cue, biko, and sago gulaman on the table.

As far as I know, there were no occasions on this day.

My mother is still pinching my left ear, and it is burning and aching. I wanted this to last long, I wanted to feel the pain longer because this means that I am still alive and the pain I'm feeling was real and gentle and it was caused by the person I adored.

She set free my left ear.

My father stood up, and they sang a happy birthday. I'm surprised and confused.

"Happy Birthday!" they said while dancing with a huge smile and sparkling eyes.

I smiled and hugged both of them, tightly. This time, I cried the way I wanted.

Today is not my birthday but there is a birth. 

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