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I heard the door opened. I open my eyes and look at it. I saw my father come in, he said the same thing about the security again: to put garlic and salts in every door and windows, and protection for the villagers to his comrades, but the last part he said was different.

He said, silently, "We should not tell anyone yet about what we saw recently except for our fellow hunters. We know now when and where, but we are not certain what it is, so tonight when no one is around we will do it. Just in case, tell your husband or wife what we will do later so that no confusion will arise. Go on and do the first operation!"

The hunters nodded and left silently. The door is half-opened.

I come to my father while looking down on the floor. I get his right hand then press it on my forehead. He patted my head with his left hand.

He giggled and said, "What the hell happened to you? You look like an apple!" He kneeled, and looked at my face, then to my eyes, "Wow! It's been too long since you cried! I think the last time you cried was when you were eight or nine years old? Ah! when you are seven!" Then he continued to laugh.

I said, "They tricked me! My frie— those insects tricked me! They made fun of me!" I bit my lips and held my cloak then it turned into a fist.

I don't want to cry again. Not this time, not in the front of the person I look up the most. I had enough today. I want to end this day. I want to wake up and hope this is just a dream.

"It's alright, It's just a part of your childhood," He said. "You guys will grow and realize what you have done, and then just laugh at it."

"Don't treat me like a kid! I'm not a child or a kid or a baby! I'm twelve now so I'm not a kid anymore!"

He giggled. I hate it. I don't want to be laughed at by the person I idolized, the most.

"You are still a kid, just like your friends; just enjoy your time being a kid because soon you will become a man and do a lot of busy things. Your time will be less for games. And there will be a time that you realized and wished you did when you were still young" he simply said.

I said, "I, I, I am, I am not a kid anymore! Don't treat me like a kid! I can live on my own now! I am not a stupid kid anymore!"

"Yeah, right, not a stupid kid. Still, you are a kid just like your friends. You can't live on your own yet. You still need to eat more, more, and more rice! You are scared at that time, right? You don't know what to do; you don't know what will happen. In short, you are confused and scared."

"I'm not scared at that time!" I told him. I pursed my lips, and tears started to stream down on my cheeks. "I am, I am. I am..."

"You are not ready to be a hunter yet. Accept it and move forward, learn and keep growing," said my father, he patted my right shoulder. "Grow up. Be a fine hunter that can save this village."

I said, "No! I am not a kid! I am not scared! I can live on my own! I am strong and good enough!" I clenched my teeth and said, "I will be the strongest and wisest hunter in this world!"

I ran as fast as I could away from our house. My father didn't stop me but I heard my mother shouting, I could not hear what she's saying. All I can hear is my mind saying, "I am strong and brave!" over and over again. 

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