"My body"

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Thank you so much for the support on this story! If you didn't know already, this book will always come out on Wednesday, and I'll update my other stories on the weekend, so keep an eye out for these as well. They are shorter and are of different ships! So check it out! :)) Thank you.

Have fun, Horndogs.

(Long chapter so next one might be shorter.)


George didn't open the snap yet, he wanted to make Clay wait. Of course Clay wanted those pictures but George wasn't going to give him the pictures that easily. He wanted to tease him more and make him go over his limit. For him to almost beg to see these things George had in his camera roll.

🟢Can I have them?
🔵I don't know, can you?
🟢I mean... yes I've been nice today right?
🔵Well, you made me cry.

There was a silent moment, which was kinda awkward, so both George and Clay laughed.

🟢I'm sorry George you know I didn't mean to, will I get them eventually at least?
🔵We'll see if you're a good boy.
🟢A good boy huh? What if I'm not? Will I get punished mhmm?
🔵You might, I don't really know how I'll do that just yet, but I will.
🟢Mhmm, sure, I know what I'd do if I had to punish you.
🔵Oh yeah? Why don't you tell me, lover boy?
🟢I won't, I'll keep on teasing you until you can't take it anymore and ask for me.
🔵Ask for you, what do you mean?
🟢My body, what I have to offer you, George.
🔵And what do you have to offer me, that I don't have already?
🟢Well you know. affection, cuddles, kisses, and of course... Sex.
🔵Wow, Clay, that's pretty straightforward of you!
🟢Yeah whatever, do you want to?
🔵Sure, what do you want then?
🔵Me? Just me, nothing else.
🟢You, your body, everything, please?
🔵Asked so nicely I might as well say yes huh?
🟢Mhmm yup.
🔵Alright then.

George sends his other picture where he had no boxers under the skirt, seeing if Clay would notice and say something about it.

🟢H-hum, well those are interesting, but I asked for more, it doesn't just mean one. Plus it looks like the one you sent before that, just with... A more noticeable, bulge.
🔵Haha, you actually looked down there, pervert.
🟢I mean how could I not, it's kinda- like you know.
🔵Yeah yeah, whatever, I'll send some more now.

He sends everything else he had, but not the video just yet. He wanted to make him react to that alone, just the video.

🟢Oh- Hum these are, interesting huh?
🟢You look very good in these, can I save those too?
🔵Sure, just keep them to you, I don't want your sister to see them you know, like last time.

*Daddy DReam saved photos to camera roll*

🟢Yeah yeah, she didn't see anything tho, she guessed, and she didn't tell the parents so that's good. I had to let her play with my computer for like an hour on the SMP tho a lot of the members joined the call too. Hey, worth it!
🔵Anyways, I have one last thing I wanted to show you, I'm just not sure yet if I should send it. It's a bit different from what you've seen so far.
🟢I mean, I'll never know if I'll like it or not if you don't send it to me, so... Yeah.
🔵Yeah... Alright.

He sends the video, which is like 30 seconds, in the clip, there is George taking off his boxers still with the skirt on and the hoodie. He was wearing some cat ears with some cat mittens. Making it look somewhat very erotic. When he took off his boxers completely, he laid down on his knees, his legs going beside his body, and he was touching his bulge. After a couple of seconds of teasing himself, he started jacking off a bit, slowly. He was making some sounds too, and right before the clip stopped he moaned Clay's name.

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