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Thank you for 15k views on Distant Calls, I might begin to do some more cute stories involving less nsfw in the near future, but not for this story. 

Might end this story at about 20 chapters? Don't know yet.

Anyways enjoy this chapter!



Wait for me, huh?
Yep, you'll have to see how well I do things when I'm in front of you!
Oh really now? Are you teasing me?
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not...!


Oh come on now, you are repeating my phrases now?
Yup, it's because you sound so good when you say these things!
Sound so good? What are you trying to say now?
I guess you'll see when we'll see each other irl!
Sure, whatever. 

Clay and George talked for some more time, they both ignored the situation that happened before, they couldn't care less. They laughed and watched some silly videos together afterward. They wanted to treasure this moment they had together alone from their viewers and family.

Hey George?
I've been thinking a lot about things, and the more and more I think about it the more I like the idea I have in mind.
What might be that idea, my dear...

...He took a while to answer the last part, he wasn't sure if he should use other words...


Maybe you could come here for a month, and if you like it here, you could move out here, with me and Sapnap.
O-Oh yeah, sure thing.
Are you okay? You don't sound as happy as I thought you'd be?
Well, I don't know, I'm quite nervous to have to leave everything behind... What if I don't along with you guys?
It will! No worries. 

George kept on thinking about this strange proposal, it wasn't a bad idea because they knew each other for so long, and he was quite charming. He was just worried about knowing if the walls were thick enough...


Dream was lost, he just heard George yell out "WHAT" out of nowhere. What was he thinking about? 

What's up George?
Nothing don't mind me, I was just thinking of something.

What was that... That was such a weird thought, why would he think of these things? 

Are your walls thick?
What? Why?
To know if when you scream you bother people around?
HAHA! No, I don't bother anyone, and the walls are quite thick.
That's good...

They are thick... that's some good news. A-anyways...

Hey Dream?
Gimme your face... I miss watching you.
Aw~ Are you okay George?
Yeah, I just have a hard time with my feelings right now.
Ah, it's okay, is there anything I can do to help?
Tell me you love me.

I love you, George.

Is it sincere Dream?
Yes! Of course, it is George, I do love you.
I mean, like, actually, do you love me?
Hum, like love... Like actual feelings for you?

I do George, I like you a lot, I know you probably consider me as just a friend, but I had to tell you without joking around...

I really do love you, George.


George was crying, he looked so lost, so sad.

What's wrong, did I say something wrong?
No, I- I'm just overwhelmed I suppose?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry.

He looked up to where his webcam was, and smiled.

Why are you smiling? I thought you were sad?
No, I'm happy, I thought that I was the only one thinking this way.
What do you mean?
I guess you could say that I feel the same way, especially since we did... these things, I feel like it brought us closer to each other. That's why I really wanna meet you, I feel like I'm gonna like my time more if I'm over there in Florida rather than here, alone. 

Woah, did George really confess to Dream, this easily? He didn't want to tell him in fear of rejection by his "best friend", but now the feelings were mutual.

I- I don't really know what to say to that George. I'm surprised you opened up that easily to me...

Everything was blurry, where was Dream? Where was he...? 


His voice was so low, Dream barely heard it.

where are you...?
I'm right here, look.

He turned on his camera for the small guy to see. Dream noticed that he was near passing out, maybe because of the feelings he got, maybe it was the loss of sleep.

Did you eat today George?
You should eat... It's bad if you don't.
I've been bothered so long by this... I thought you would have rejected me... I'm so happy.
You should get some rest and eat a bit after that rest, and drink water also. You looked drained of everything...
yeah, I guess I was too bothered by everything about me, that I just forgot to keep myself up...
Yeah, well I'm gonna hang up, and you go sleep alright? I'll talk to you later.
okay, good night Dream.
Good night Gogy, I love you.

He hung up, he knew nothing was going to come out of George's mouth especially when he's that tired. He closed his computer and decided to eat a little something before sleeping. Walking down from his room, he saw Sapnap's door was open, so he peeked through and saw no one, so he just assumed he was on his bed cuddling with Karl. He didn't bother looking more, so he got back to walking but then he heard something that, wasn't quite right.

Karl, fuck, be careful.

As what Dream assumed to be Karl tripping or something, but it wasn't quite that. He waited until he'd hear them laugh, but no sound. Normally Karl would talk and laugh, but nothing. 


He screamed his reponse to be sure Nick would hear it. Nothing was heard until a solid 10 seconds.


He heard the door slam, like a gentle slam, but still a slam. 

What the hell... were they doing what he thought they were doing? He was kinda sad that George wasn't here, he wished he could have the same thing that Nick is having right now. 

A few minutes later, when Dream finished making his cereal, he heard some clapping sounds, and those clapping sounds weren't from the hands.

Fuck- Nick~!


Hey weird chapter but I hope you enjoyed. 

1035 words.

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