Chapter 9 - Blind To the Storm

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Not long after Robert had finished his breakfast, he received a text from Joey letting him know he'd arrived. Robert gave his mum a hug and kiss and said good bye to Darrell.

When he climbed in Joey's car, Joey greeted him with a big smile, saying, "Alright, Robbie?"

"Alright, Joey," he replied, and smiled back at him, instantly feeling a bit better. It was good to be back like this, off to work with Joey, just like the old days.

Joey and Robert had co-founded their old band a few years back when they were still in school. Joey had been the lead singer and Robert was the keyboardist and sang back up. He didn't doubt Joey's tousled blonde hair, blue eyes and good looks was the reason they'd been starting to get a regular following of girls who'd show up to see them perform. But Joey had more than his looks going for him, he was a good singer, one of the best in their school's choir.

"Couldn't keep away could you," Joey said laughing. "You're just as mad as the rest of 'em." He was referring to the blokes at their house painting job, the ones who'd been there forever, and would most likely be there long after they left. Each and every one of them was mad in their own way.

"What about you? Thought you would've quit once the band broke up and you'd moved back to your parents'."

"Well, y'know it doesn't pay half bad – and there are a lot worse jobs out there," Joey said, laughing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Robert replied with smile. He'd give him that.

"Hey, how's that American girlfriend of yours, Georgie?" Joey asked. Robert pretended to look at something out the window so Joey couldn't see his face.

"Uh, yeah. We're not together anymore. She went back to the States," he said quietly.

"Oh," Joey said, sounding a little shocked. "I'm sorry, Robbie."

Robert knew he should respond. Thank Joey for his sympathy, maybe fill him in on some of the details of what happened, but his throat hurt too much, and the pain in his chest was worse again. Perhaps sensing he didn't want to talk about it, Joey immediately changed the subject and started filling him in on what had been going on with the blokes at work since his disappearance. Robert only half listened.


While Robert and Georgie were getting dressed after they'd eaten breakfast, he told her he planned to go over to his old flat that afternoon with his dad to get his stuff. While he was there, he was going to have to tell his band mates not only the lie about why he'd disappeared, but also that he was moving home and quitting the band. He wasn't looking forward to it.

"But Robert!" Georgie exclaimed, looking suddenly upset. "You can't give up your music! It's your whole life!"

"You're my whole life now, Georgie," he said gently, putting his arms around her. "Besides, I'm not giving up my music, just the band, yeah? I've got to get serious about my future now that I get to spend it with you."

She smiled shyly at him, saying, "Okay," and he kissed her before he let go of her.

"I can go with you instead of your dad," she said. "You know I'm strong. I can help carry your things."

"I don't think that's a good idea," he replied firmly. "You saw how angry Mary was when she thought I did a runner. We're talking about four blokes. I don't want you there if they're angry with me. You don't need to be around that."

"Oh – okay," she said hesitantly.

A short while later, he filled his mum in on their plans while she sat on the couch, eating the breakfast Georgie had made her. Georgie was sitting next to her, keeping her company while she ate.

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