Chapter 23 - A Certain Finality

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Darrell and Robert spent the rest of the day at the car boot sale wandering up and down the aisles of cars looking at all the things for sale. Robert didn’t buy anything else since he’d already spent more than he should on his motorcycle jacket but Darrell did well, finding a nearly new pair of work boots and a few tools for a good price. By late afternoon, they were ready to head home.

Once they were back in the car, Robert’s dark thoughts returned and desolation overwhelmed him again. As he remembered the weekend they celebrated Georgie’s birthday, he couldn’t help wishing bitterly he’d never taken her to Dover. If they’d spent her birthday in Bath like he’d originally planned she’d still be with him.

Or perhaps not, he thought grimly as he considered it more. They were going to find out eventually, weren’t they? There was no way something like that was going to stay hidden forever. And when it did, wouldn’t it shatter their relationship like it had that weekend? Wasn’t it really just a matter of time?

Time, Robert thought bitterly. He thought he had all the time in the world, time to work with her and help her overcome her fears, time to help her adjust to her new life, and then the rest of their lives to spend together. But now he could see his time with her was limited, he just didn’t know it. The clock started ticking the moment the bastard released them – and Dover was when his time ran out.

“D’you still not want to talk about it, Robbie?” Darrell asked quietly, interrupting his thoughts.

Robert sighed deeply. Darrell had cut short his weekend with Betsy, and not for the first time, so Robert wouldn’t be left alone to deal with the pain and desolation of her leaving. It was the only time they got to see each other since they were both busy during the week in separate cities. Robert owed it to him to at least tell him what had happened.

“Georgie called me yesterday morning,” he said quietly as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. There was a pause, and he could tell Darrell was surprised. Of course he’d never let on to anyone she’d been in contact with him, at least not until his mum saw her picture.

“Oh?” Darrell said finally.

“Yeah. She, uh, asked me to come to Chicago – to live with her,” he said even more quietly, his chest aching. Darrell didn’t say anything, but Robert knew this surprised him as well.

After a few minutes, Darrell asked, “What did you say?”

“I said ‘No”,” he said, looking out the window so Darrell couldn’t see his face, shame burning through him again as he remembered how cruel he was to her.

“Oh,” Darrell said quietly. There were several minutes of silence, and then he asked, “Don’t you want to be with her, Robbie?” Robert sighed again.

“I dunno, Darrell. I just – don’t know,” he said quietly, and then cleared his throat against the tightening.

“I’m – shocked,” Darrell said hesitantly. “I mean, when she left, you were absolutely gutted. I would’ve thought you’d be anxious to get back with her again.”

“I know, but it’s – complicated,” Robert said quietly, as he kept his face turned towards the window.


Robert’s body tensed immediately hearing the man speak French and he could tell Georgie’s did too. She looked like she was frozen, looking straight ahead at Darrell.

As far as Robert was concerned, there was only one explanation for some fucking French wanker to know her. He looked up at him, trying to figure out if this was one of the men who’d raped her in that room.

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