Chapter 41 - Love You Forever

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Georgie slipped her fingers in Robert's hair, pulling him down so she could kiss him again, her lips capturing his. This time he gave in, losing himself in her. It had been far too long since he'd been with her like this, and feeling her soft lips caressing his, her fingers in his hair, was like a cool drink after walking across a hot desert. He rubbed his hands all over her, wanting to touch every part of her he could reach while she writhed underneath him and kissed him hungrily, moaning in his mouth.

When she began pulling his t-shirt up, it occurred to him they had a problem. He pulled away from her, panting, "Georgie, I don't have any condoms."

"I thought – I thought we didn't need them anymore," she gasped quietly, suddenly sounding worried.

"But I don't want you to get pregnant."

"Oh," she said sounding relieved. "It's okay. I've been taking my pills," she said, trying to pull him down so she could kiss him again.

"Wait. How long have you been taking them?" he asked with surprise.

"Um, for over a month, I think," she said, and then sighed. "I stopped when I first came home but when I decided I wanted us to be together, I started taking them again. It made me feel better," she said more quietly. "Like – it gave me hope it would happen."

"Oh," he said, suddenly sad, thinking about what she'd gone through. She tried to pull him towards her when he asked, "Did you take one today?"

"Uh, no. Not yet."

"I don't want you to skip a day. I know, why don't you get your things and then you can tell May and Marianne you'll be staying with me tonight? We don't want them to be worried, yeah?"

"Okay," she said happily. Once they were standing, he hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head before leading her to the door with his arm around her waist.

While he waited for her, leaning against the open door of his hotel room, he couldn't help grinning, his heart swelling with happiness. All his doubts were gone and he was certain he'd made the right decision. It was still going to be difficult and they had a long road of recovery ahead of them, but he was determined to do whatever it took to make it work this time. Now that he knew what mistakes he'd made, he would be able to avoid them, and seeing a therapist would be a huge help. For the first time in a long time, he was full of hope for their future.

When Georgie came out with her bag and saw him waiting, her face lit up and she smiled with delight. It made him even happier to see her eyes free of pain and sadness. He put his arm around her as she walked into his room, letting the door close behind them. While she rummaged through her bag, he turned on the bathroom light for her.

"I'll just be a minute," she said with a shy smile when she'd located the pills.

"Alright," he said, grinning at her.

While she was in the bathroom, he took off his trainers and socks and then sat on the bed. When she came out and saw them, she quickly removed hers before walking up to him. He parted his legs and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him so he could hold her tight. He buried his face in her chest and breathed in her special smell while she ran her fingers through his hair. When he looked up at her, she was so beautiful with her dark wavy hair framing her pale face, her vivid blue eyes filled with love for him.

"I'm so grateful I didn't lose you, Georgie," he said quietly.

"Oh, Robert," she whispered, tearing up.

He wanted nothing more than to love her and make up to her for all the pain he'd caused. He put his hands on her cheeks and gently lowered her to meet his lips. She put her fingers in his hair as her breathing deepened, responding to his gentle kisses. She opened her mouth to him when she felt his tongue touch her lips, allowing him entry. He was soon lost in her kisses, his tongue finding hers, rubbing it, tasting her.

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