Chapter 43 - The Long Way Home

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Robert automatically reached out grabbed onto Georgie, pulling her into his arms to protect her from the bastard.  He heard Georgie gasp with surprise and then relax against him as she gave him a one-armed hug, her other hand still holding her Styrofoam coffee cup.  He held her tight while he struggled to breathe, his mind trying to make sense of what he was seeing. 

The bastard's steely deep set eyes burned with hostility and contempt, his smug smile replaced with an angry sneer.  He was being walked towards a building on the flat screen TV flanked by two policemen who were holding onto him by his upper arms as cameramen surrounded him, jockeying for position to get the best shot.  His hands were handcuffed in front of him and he had on his customary suit, but his hair hung in greasy sections having fallen out of its usual sleek style.

When the short video loop replayed, Robert noticed the caption at the bottom of the screen, 'Influential Investor Caught in Porn Scandal'.  He was in complete shock, barely able to believe what was happening.

"Robert, we need to get going," Georgie said playfully while she rubbed his back.

"Yeah," he gasped.   

He suddenly realized he couldn't allow her to see the television.  He released her, but kept his arm around her waist and guided her out of the room, careful to keep her facing forward.  As they waited for the elevator, his thoughts were racing while his heart pounded in his chest.  What the hell was going on?  How did this happen?  And what about Georgie?  How on earth was he going to tell her? 

They got on the elevator alone and when the door closed, she put her arm around his waist, leaning against him and he kissed the top of her head.  He needed more information.  Until he knew how the arrest happened, he couldn't make any decisions about what the hell he should do.  But how was he going get it without Georgie finding out?  The two of them had barely been out of each other's sight since their reunion.  And they were leaving for Chicago in just a few minutes. 

Before they reached their room, he knocked on the door to May and Marianne's room while Georgie looked at him with confusion. 

"I need to take care of something," he said quickly.

Marianne opened the door and looked surprised.  She greeted them as she stepped back to let them in.  Just as Georgie started forward Robert heard the unmistakable sound of a news program playing on their television.  He grabbed onto her arm to stop her.

"Uh, Georgie," he said, moving in front of her to block her.  "Why don't you go to the room and start packing our things, yeah?  I'll be there in just a moment."

"Oh.  Okay, Robert," she said, pulling the card key from her back pocket.

When she was safely out of the room, he said to May, "D'you mind if I borrow your laptop for a moment."

"Why, yes.  Of course," she said, suddenly looking worried.  "I hope everything is okay." 

"Yeah.  Yeah, everything is fine," he said quickly, trying his best to smile convincingly.  "I just wanted to check on my flight.  Y'know, just to be certain they hadn't changed the time or anything."

"Oh, okay," she said, as she handed him her computer bag.  "I was hoping we'd be on the road in fifteen minutes," she said with meaning.

"We'll be ready by then," he said with a smile as he backed out of the room.

When he walked in his and Georgie's room, she was in the bathroom collecting their toiletries. 

"You carry on.  I just want to check my flight," he said as he walked past her. 

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