Chapter 3 - A Small Beginning

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who nominated Stolen Hearts!

After his dad left for work, Robert turned on the electric kettle on the counter to make tea, then sat at the kitchen table, trying to decide what he should do.   How the hell was he going to find a job within the next two weeks when he was like this, barely functioning?  The answer immediately came to him and he went upstairs to retrieve his mobile.

While he was in his bedroom, he looked at his bed longingly.  What he really wanted more than anything was climb into it, pull the covers over his head and turn off his mind so he could escape again.  But he couldn’t do it.  If he got back in bed, he knew he wouldn’t be able to force himself to get up before his dad returned from work.  He made himself go back downstairs.

As soon as he was in the kitchen he texted Joey, his best mate from his old band.  He knew Joey would be awake by now and getting ready for work.  Before Robert had been kidnapped, they’d worked together at the same house painting job.  He let Joey know he was available if there was an opening with the company.  Joey texted him back almost immediately and told him he’d ask when he got to work.

Robert was hopeful there’d be a spot for him.  It had always seemed they were short a bloke or two when he used to work for them.  Except for the odd blokes that were permanent, most found it to be a pretty boring job and quit as soon as something better came along.  For him and Joey, the job had been a means to an end.  It paid the bills while they tried to make the band successful enough to support them entirely.  Joey must not have minded the work too much, he’d stayed on after the band had dissolved.

While Robert made his tea, he thought about the conversation he’d just had with his dad and how bad things were between them now.  The two of them were about as different from each other as a father and son could be.  His dad worked for large pharmaceutical company as a medicinal chemist, developing new drugs.  He was a typical scientist, with an analytical mind.  It was in stark contrast to Robert, who was creative with a passion for music.

In spite of their differences, their relationship had always been good, unlike many of his mates and their dads.   Or at least it had been until recently.  He hated that they didn’t get on now.  Especially because he’d already felt guilty for the stress and worry he’d caused both his parents in the months before he’d been kidnapped.  He knew it had been a terrible blow to them when he’d decided not to go to university but had instead tried to make a go of it with his band.

There were arguments between the two of them back then but in the end, his parents loved him enough to let him make his own choices, even though they didn’t agree with his decision.  In return, he’d made it a point not to ask them for financial help.  He’d worked hard to make the band successful, determined not to disappoint them.  But then he’d been kidnapped, and everything went to shit after that.  Now their disappointment with him was palpable.

It especially hurt when he remembered the night he’d reunited with them after the two of them had finally been set free. 


Robert could hear the low murmur of male voices as he slowly rose from unconsciousness.  Where was he?  What was going on?  And then he remembered a needle being put in his arm.  Georgie.  She’d been lying next to him, already drugged.  Was she there?  Or had the bastard gone back on his word and kept her.  He tried to open his eyes, but they seemed weighted down, too heavy to move, and his limbs were like lead.   

Desperate to confirm she was with him, he listened as hard as he could.  Underneath the sound of men speaking French, he thought he heard breathing, but he wasn't sure.   Fighting hard to gain control over his body, he forced his eyes open, seeing a low ceiling, but it was another minute before he was able to turn his head.   As he took in his surroundings, he could tell he was lying in a bed in a hotel room, and then tremendous relief washed over him – it was Georgie, lying next to him looking like she was sleeping. 

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