Chapter 18 - The Proof of Nothing

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Robert was sitting on the couch with Georgie. She sighed and relaxed against his chest as he held her in his arms. He rested his cheek on her silky hair, enjoying the first quiet moments with her in his home, his heart swelling with joy.

He could smell the shampoo she'd used earlier that morning, but underneath it there was a more familiar scent. He couldn't quite place it other than it smelled like her, a smell he realized had always been there underneath the clean, almost spicy smelling shampoo she'd used in the flat. He moved his head a little so he could smell her better and kissed the top of her head.

She lifted her head and slipped her fingers in his hair so she could pull him down to kiss him, her lips soft as they caressed his. She breathed more deeply as she deepened the kiss. Her lips were open and inviting, and she tasted wonderful as always. When she let go, her face was glowing as she looked at him, her eyes soft.

"Happy?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, Robert. Very happy," she replied quietly.

"Me too," he said. "Hey, y'know what I'm thinking?" he asked, suddenly smiling.


"I'm thinking that it's morning." He kissed her lightly. "And the sun is up." He kissed her again. "And I'm kissing you." He tried to finish with another kiss, but she started laughing. Then she suddenly stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. She knew what he was talking about.

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" she asked, grinning.


"I'm thinking that it's morning." She kissed him, even though he was already laughing. "And I'm kissing you." They were both laughing, but they struggled to manage a kiss. "And I can kiss you all day if I want to."

They were laughing too hard for the final kiss but it was alright. They could kiss all day if they wanted since they no longer had to worry about hiding their relationship from the bastard. He held her a little tighter, and she snuggled against him with a contented sigh. Then she began running her fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet moment with her.

"Your family calls you Robbie," she said quietly.

"Yeah, they've called me that my whole life," he said, opening his eyes so he could look at her.

"I should call you that too, if that's what everyone else calls you," she said, looking a little sad. Robert was surprised how he felt when he considered what she'd said.

"Nah, I want you to call me Robert, yeah? It's more special if you're the only one who calls me that. And besides," he said, giving her a little squeeze. "I think it sounds cute when you say it with your American accent."

She grinned at him, saying, "I'm not the one with the cute accent. You are," and pulled him down for another kiss even though he was laughing too hard.

Robert jerked awake still feeling her fingers in his hair. He looked at the clock even though he could tell by how dark it was in his room it was far too early to get ready for work. It was just after four. Shit. He sighed deeply as he put the crook of his arm over his eyes, trying to ignore the pain in his chest.

It had been over five weeks since she'd left him and he wondered if he was he ever going to get to the point where the pain wouldn't come out of nowhere to overwhelm him. He rolled over, pulling his blankets over his head and tried turn off his mind so he could fall back asleep, fighting the desolation the dream had brought on. After several minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. He should just get up and do something to distract himself until it was time to get ready for work, he decided. It was better than lying there feeling like shit.

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