Grand Meeting

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Taylor's POV
My parents will be here soon, and I hope they support my decision to adopt Jackie. They are usually very supportive, but then again I am only 25 and Jackie is a growing teen.

"Taylor!" I hear my mother say. I quickly embrace her and my father and they become confused why they are here. I met them in the waiting room so I could explain. I tell them what happened to Jackie and my plan to adopt her.

"Well, Taylor. You are very young to have a teenage daughter, but before I judge, why don't we meet this sweetie?" My mother says lovingly. I sigh in relief. "Ok let's go." I tell my parents.

Jackie's POV
"Hey Jackie." Taylor rubs my hand waking me from my nap.

"Hey Tay!" I say smiling tiredly.

"I have some people who want to meet you." She tells me smiling.

"Ok." I reply yawning. A middle aged couple entered the room smiling with a bouquet of tulips and roses, which are my favorite flowers.

"Hi Jackie! I am Andrea Swift and this is my husband Scott Swift." She tells me presenting her husband. "Hello." Mr. Swift greets me.

"Hi! How did you know those were my favorite flowers?" I ask happily.

"I told them!" Taylor pipes up.

"Why, thank you all of you!" I reply.

"Well soon you will be able to call us Nana and Pops ok?" Andrea says, making Taylor's and my faces perk up, understanding the meaning behind what she's telling me.

"Really?" We ask together.

"I can see Taylor really cares for you and your not just a fan looking for attention. So yeah let's get you adopted Jacquelyn Swift!" My now Nana says clapping.

Taylor's POV
Last night I stayed in Jackie's room with my parents. I slept on the bed with Jackie and my parents slept in chairs beside us. If only my brother was here. Then my whole family would be here.

Today I am going with my dad to adopt Jackie while my mom stays with her. My dad is a very good businessman and my lawyer and manager and publicist will all be there to help me.

At the adoption center I explained mine and Jackie's situation to the adoption officer and she took us into a court room after filling out a pile of papers that my team went over.

"Miss Swift. You are single I presume?" The judge asks me.

"Yes I am not currently in a relationship." I reply curtly.

"And you make an estimate of 45 million a year?" He says shocked at the unthought of number.

"Well this past year I made 350 million from tour and the release of a new album, but that is the lowest amount I make in a year, yes." I reply.

"In that case I am not sure that Jackie is the right match for you, but I am going to give you a chance to change my mind." The judge tells me making me gasp.

"I met Jackie at the secret sessions I held in LA. I had contacted her parents though social media and brought her and her mom to my house. We were able to talk and hang out and I immediately loved her. When she posted about coming to New York City I contacted her parents and we planned to surprise her and spend ten days together when her plane crashed. I went straight to the hospital and stayed with her. This is the first time I have left her side since." I say hoping that would be enough.

"Ok. You are the official mother of Jacquelyn Alison Holberg Swift." I sigh in relief and hug my dad. "I can't wait to tell her!!" I squeal.

Jackie's POV
Nana and I have been playing cards and just plain hanging out in my room waiting.

"Jacquelyn don't be nervous! Your mom and pops are very good negotiators." Nana reassures me.

"I know, it's just, I don't know. What if Taylor realizes she doesn't want me anymore?" I ask.

"Jacquelyn Swift! Your mother looks at you like your the only thing she wants in this world and she will do anything to take care of you I promise you that much." She tells me sternly.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"Aw come here. Let your Nana give you a hug." Nana says. I open my arms and hug her.

"Aw! I am capturing this!" Taylor says taking a picture of us. "This is going online!"

"Taylor?" I say nervously.

"Now sweetie you can call me Mom now!" She says smiling from ear to ear.

"Really?" I say my eyes wide and smiling.

"Yes Jacquelyn Alison Holberg Swift." She tells me.

I open my arms for a family group hug.

"Well, you know I have actually been calling you Mom for a while now." I say matter of factly making everyone laugh.

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