Chapter 6

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Hey guyssss how you doin so I started typing this chapter a day after updating the previous one but i kept procrastinating like a little hoe lmao, im publishing this chapter in the middle of online class rn. I also wanna thank everyone who commented cuz that always motivates me. thanks for sticking around even after months of being dead lol kay enjoyyyyyyyyy <3


"You'll be able to see him in an hour." The doctor said, smiling warily at Penny. I could see why, her face was flushed pink and her hands were shaking violently. 

I took a deep breath and leaned on the wall. He's okay. Percy's okay. My heart was beating faster than ever as I felt my eyes swell up with tears of relief. I didn't realize how tense I was until I felt the muscles in my shoulder relax. The boys had given each other a quick group hug and Penny hopped over to me and squeezed my hands to the point where they turned purple.

"He's okay." I grinned, my smile unnaturally wide. It was starting to hurt my face but gods I didn't care. She nodded and went over to her father. Piper came up to me and asked, "You okay Chase?"

I hastily brushed the tears away from my face "You have no idea." She pulled me into a tight hug and I just stayed there for awhile. Everything was going to be okay. Percy would heal, we'd all go home and live happily ever after just like the fairy tales. But then the back of my mind spoke 'Oh no darling, you still have your mother's letter and a dead Luke Castallen on your hands.'

I froze and felt a cold feeling down my spine. Luke. The cheerful, handsome barista that everyone came to know and love. And poor, poor Thalia. I glanced over at Jason who's eyes seemed to be far away.  I felt his eyes move towards me and I looked away.

"Go home, love." I heard Penny's father say.  He kissed the top of her head and swept his eyes over us. It amazed me at how bright and pure green they were. "All of you. Take a quick nap.  I'm sure Perseus wouldn't want to see his friends weary and tired." We all nodded and turned to each other as Mr. Jackson walked away.

"He's right though, we all look like corpses."  Piper said, looping her arm in mine. Jason looked away. "You guys go ahead. I'll go see my sister." Piper frowned "Do you want us to come with you?" He shook his head and we all stood there in silence for a moment. I knew who we were all thinking about. 

"Alright. I'll order us some food." she nodded, breaking the silence. We all turned to follow her and right as we were about to leave the corridor I stopped and turned around. Jason was still standing there, looking lost. 

"Go." Piper said, making me jump. She was suddenly standing in front of me. "I don't really know what to say to him, he keeps pushing me away." I nodded and jogged up to him.

"Hey." He turned around, his eyes slightly tinged red. I felt wary of invading his privacy but he gave me a small smile. "Hi."

"Mind if I tag along?" I asked. His eyes travelled to nowhere in particular. "Well, don't have much of a choice if Piper made you huh?" 

I bit my tongue "We're all worried about you. And Thalia."

"Hm." he muttered, staring at the bustle of nurses and doctors walking around "Let's go." I followed him, keeping myself a step back. The feeling of euphoria that erupted inside of me a minute ago was suddenly washed away with the thought of Thalia Grace and Luke Castallen. I felt bad for feeling happy that Percy was alive, I couldn't imagine what Jason felt. 

"What do I even tell her," Jason mused "How do I tell her that Percy survived and Luke didn't?"

I kept silent. I didn't know. I hated not knowing. "She loved him. didn't she?" I wanted to bang my head against the wall. Of course she did, I saw her face when Luke had been shot. I heard her cries. Jason bit his lip.

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