Chapter 5

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"I'm fine." I murmered,not looking at anyone. My dad made some sort of gesture as the doctor left. It was a miracle that they didn't throw me out after I disrupted the entire building. I didn't look up at my father as he sat down next to me.

"So he was your friend?" he asked simply. I nodded,letting my uneven bangs cover my face. It couldn't mask up my shame and guilt. I expected dad to start bolting out some lecture about discipline. Instead he stayed silent.

"It's okay." he said softly,pulling me into his chest. I felt like a little girl again,safe and snug. My eyes welled up with tears as I shook gently.

"What's wrong with me?" I whimpered,the sound of my hand on Leo's face echoing in my ears. He stroked my hair.

"Nothing is wrong with my daughter."

I tried thinking straight. What would my mom say if she saw me fly into a rage like that? Would Percy have backed me up,or gotten mad at me for hitting his friend? I really didn't know and a part of me didn't want to find out.

"Did they say anything about Percy?" I asked,sniffling. I could feel my dad tense.

"They said they'll inform us about him today."

I closed me eyes. One way or another,we'd know before nightfall. Then I can focus on what's to come next. Dad held me at arm's distance,pushing my bangs aside so that he could see me properly. My eyes felt swollen and puffy and I was pretty sure that they had turned red too. My nose was runny as well. Despite all that, he smiled.

"You certainly get your rage from my side rather than your mother's."

I rubbed my nose "Is-is that good?"

He shrugged "In a way." he didn't sound mad or resentful. I remembered the picture I had seen back at home in France. My father and two other men who looked like him. 

"We never talked about your side of the family." I simply stated,trying to sound casual. I saw a barrier go up in my dad's eyes.

"True,there was never any time wasn't it?" he said with a sad smile. I had to play this off just right.

"Did you have siblings?"

"No,I was an only child." he chuckled "My father always said it was a good thing too,I was quite the troublemaker."

I smiled faintly, confused. So they weren't his brothers? But they looked so much like him...unless he was lying to me,which I don't understand why he would do so. Just then I heard a gentle knock on the door,Apollo's head peeking in.

"Am I interrupting?" he asked. His face looked weary and tired. Guilt filled my insides as my dad chuckled "No,but now I am. I'll be back." he kissed the top of my head and left. Well they certainly bonded. I passed the next few seconds adjusting my bedsheets as he sat down next to me.

"Hey." he said,his hand slipping into mine. The gesture almost made me burst into tears again. Swallowing back the rising feeling in my throat,I tried for a smile. "Hi."

A few seconds passed in silence. I cleared my throat "My dad said they'll inform us about Percy today."

His head snapped up as his eyes met mine for a second,only for them to look away the next. It felt my heart compress itself into a tiny jewel. " least we'll know."

I nodded,looking down at our hands. I studied his long,thin nimble fingers. He was insanely talented at musical instruments,to the point where it was shocking. A distant memory resurfaced,when he helped me get revenge on Percy by plugging his electric guitar next to his bedstand and hitting a sharp chord. I remembered how Percy screamed and nearly wet himself. I let out a startled sob and slapped my hand against my mouth.

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