Chapter 10

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"No touching! It's for Percy!"

"Awww cmon! Just a little bit-"

"I will stuff you in the oven and make Leo pie."

"I'm good."

Penny put the steaming pie on the table. The entire apartment seemed to be engulfed in the amazing smell of apple pie. Even my tummy rumbled.

"Can Percy really eat that much?" Leo asked, before facepalming "Oh nevermind, of course he can. It's Percy."

Penny rubbed her palms against her apron and cast Jason a glance "Actually..I was going to split the pie. The other half is for Thalia."

There was an awkward silence. Jason gave her a weary smile "Thanks Penny."

She nodded, wiping her forehead. She was sweating a lot "'s the least I can do. I was thinking of seeing her. Can  I come with you?"

He bit his lip "Well..okay. Maybe she'll like your company." Penny smiled half heartedly. I understood why she wanted to help, Thalia had saved her life after all. Apollo, who was sitting at the table wiped off Penny's apron and started dabbing her forehead with it.

"Why are you sweating so much?" he asked, then smirked "'I mean I don't mind it, it's hot."

She smacked his forearm "Shut up. The exhaust fan stopped working. I'll need to call someone to check on it." Apollo laughed and tied the apron around his neck like a superman's cape.

"Don't worry babe, you have a super hot mechanic right here!"

"Actually," Leo smirked, pulling out a screwdriver from his pocket "He's right here. Sit down pretty boy." Apollo put his hands up as Leo walked into the kitchen, proud of the fact that he has dominated Apollo.

"Hey," Piper walked in, holding a few letters and some kind of circular in her hands "Luke's death was written in the paper."

We all grew silent once again. Me and Nico glanced at each other. Piper looked shaken "I-I was stopped by a cop outside."

"What?" Jason jumped up "Why?"

"She gave me her number," Piper said, pulling out a card from her pocket. Jason walked towards her and took it. "She said to give her a call when we're ready."


"To give a statement. About the shooting." 

My head skipped a beat "What? But you weren't even there at the time of the shooting."

"I know, but she wants us all in. Especially the ones who were there. She told me that the reason why they haven't called us in already is because of the fact that two of us is in the hospital and one is dead. They wanted to wait to check their status."

"Status?" Jason asked. I frowned.

"They wanted to see whether they would live or not."

"So...we need to go to the station?" Penny asked nervously. Apollo put his arm around her waist. "Well either that or they'll drag us in. Hey, one thing at a time. Let's give Percy and Thalia their apple pie, fix the kitchen fan so that Penny doesn't die of heatstroke-" Penny hit his chest "-and about Luke...well there will be a memorial right?" His voice went quiet. Piper held up the circular.

"Yeah, it was in everyone's mailboxes. Since he-well-doesn't have family, it's an open ceremony."

Nico and I glanced at each other again. So they couldn't get ahold of his father. I distinctively remembered something Luke had told me weeks ago. His dad wasn't in contact with him, but he had a mother-I chose to share it with Nico later.

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