Chapter 13

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"Popcorn or ice cream?" I ask, stepping on it as the highway was empty. My dad would be torn between getting excited and asking me to slow down. 

"Ice cream." Nico said after a moment of hesitation. "I mean you could put anything in ice cream you know? chocolate chips, sprinkles...maybe even popcorn."

"Ew!" I laugh, as he put his hands up in protest, grinning. The expression was quite rare to see on his face. "What? It could be tasty!" 

"We'll try it out one day then," he continued "or we could just ask Percy. He's mixed just about every type of food with something else."

"Not surprising." I smile, eyes on the road. I wonder where this is going.

"How are you and Percy anyways?" he asked cautiously, unsure if he's overstepping boundaries. I felt something swell inside of me. It was rare for Nico to keep up conversation like this. Showing no signs of discomfort, I replied "Actually...going pretty great."

"Uh huuuuuh?" Nico trailed on. I wasn't looking at him, but I could just feel his smile. I tried not to blush. Pull it together Annabeth.

"I'm happy about Percy's taste for once. Least he has you to ground him at times."

"I mean, Penny does that pretty well."

Nico looked at me "Penny's just as...chaotic as Percy. She loves coming home late, going out to parties..the whole package. She just stopped and decided to be the parent sibling because Percy...well you know." he finished sheepishly. "I mean I don't blame Percy either...given the stuff he's been through..but yeah. What I mean to say is, Percy's like obsessed with you-" he stopped mid sentence. I smiled slyly at him.

"Nico, are you blushing?"

"Yeah well I'm not used to these type of talks okay?" he huffed, making me laugh. Something was nagging me though. As much as I pity Percy and his past, it wasn't fair to make Penny the parent while he went rogue. Hmm. 

"Oh yeah? Well..what about you?" I asked "Will seems cute."

Nico, who was eating some chips choked, jumping slightly "Wha-you-no look,I-"

"Hey," I look into his wide, scared eyes for a moment "It's okay. We don't need to talk about it if you don't want to."

A few moments passed, then he slumped into his seat, staring at his chip. "He seems...pretty."

I was trying so hard not to gush. This tiny, black haired Italian boy was slouching shyly in his seat and calling a boy pretty. I was so tempted to pick him up, pet him and keep him in my pocket. I had a feeling he wouldn't be very fond of that though.

"He is. Very...sunny dude. Like his brother."

"I suppose, yes."

"You guys talk in school?" I asked, repeating the question. I had a feeling he wasn't honest the first time.

"Well...yes. A little. But like I said earlier, I try to avoid him." he said, trailing off " he offered to tutor me in geography, since I kinda slipped down a couple grades."

"Oh, I love geography! But yeah, you should totally take him up on that offer. For your grades of course." I piped. Nico smirked at me.

"Yeah. I took him up for the offer. Any time this week." he said casually, although there was something hidden underneath that. I was smiling so hard it hurt. I wasn't used to these type of talks either, but I liked it. It's so easy to talk to Nico. He reminded me of my little brothers, Bobby and Mathew. Just thinking about them made my heart ache.

"Why don't we play some music?"

He smiled "Pass the aux, Chase."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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