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Me and Izuku were just going to kiss and we would have become married. But NO. Someone stupid has to call me now only. It's 6 in the morning, who the hell calls you at this time and interrupts your magical kiss. I lazily reached for my phone which was lying on the table . I got hold of my phone and brought it in front of my face, I rubbed my eyes to clearly look at the name of the bad guy. And it was my dad. I scolded myself internally for all the things I said without knowing it was him. I received the call and put it on speaker. "Hello momo dear, Good morning. Sorry if I disturbed you from your sleep" my father said." Good morning dad and it's okay" I replied." I called you to remind you about the party, remember?" my father asked." Ya dad I remember" I said." Okay so I'll send the limo around 5 pm. It'll pick you and your friend about whom you said that he/she is related to one of our manager" father said. I didn't tell him that the friend's name is izuku because I wanted to surprise him." Okay dad noted. I'm going to inform my friend . See you at the party .Bye!" I said now fully awake and ready to execute the plan. My dad said bye and then disconnected the call.

I stood out of the bed and stretched a bit. First I brushed my teeth and cleared the drool imprints near my lips. And walked out towards little izuku's room. why I'm saying little izuku, he is of my age. Ah leave it.

I reached the boy's side of the dorms and was standing in front of Izuku's room. I heard some sounds coming out of his room like someone was panting after workout and BINGO!! I think izuku is not done yet with his workout. I'll knock the door and ask him to open it suddenly due to which he'll open it without wearing his t-shirt and then I'll get to see his god like body .Hahahaha you are a very clever girl momo.

I knocked on his room's door and asked him to open suddenly and was waiting for heaven but it never came. I forgot that izuku is too fast .He can do this thing in a second. Well we can't do anything. "Good morning momo. How can I help you" he said with a small smile and gestured to me to sit on his bed he, then closed the door and sat on his study chair" Good morning izuku. Your mom told me to inform you that you have to also come to the party thrown by my dad on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the company" I said" Is it really compulsory to go?" He questioned. "Well it's not compulsory but please come or else I'll be lonely there. Todoroki will be also there and you know he will be busy with ochako. I'll be left alone .So please come na" I said giving him puppy eyes. And he agreed, that weapon always works." But I don't have a tux or anything formal to wear "he said with a frown." That's not a problem. I'll make one for you" I said with a smile." But you said that you don't use your quirk for purposes like these. remember the umbrella thing" he said in a suspicious tone. Oh no I have to say something or else he'll catch me .think momo think." But I'm helping you na. Saving you from not enjoying the party, and I'm the hero who'll save your fun" I said in a determined tone to make it sound genuine. Please accept it. "I guess you are right. But how will you make one? "he asked me." Ohh leave that on me. Do as I say "I said with a mischievous grin.

Then I ordered him to come stand in front of me, he reluctantly did and I started taking measures of his body .he was shy at first but then got his composure back this gave me the feeling that the green bean is still in there and I can get him out .I then measured his body and was surprised how buff and lean he was. he was the perfect package. then I quickly took off my pants leaving only a sports short to cover my lower body. I always wear full length lowers because of mineta, as the only one who has right to see me in that way is izuku .And I always wear a sports shorts underneath for the situations like this. I sat on his bed in a sort of seductive manner and started creating a black suit for him with a red shirt and to finish it off a white tie and once I was finished. "Done. Have a look at it. How's it?" I asked him as I handed the suit to him. He checked the suit for a sec and then said " everything you make is wonderful momo since the creator herself is so pretty . Thanks a lot " he said with his signature smile. This made me flustered. Was he flirting with me again. Okay then be ready for paying back izuku. I then bent in front of him to pick my pants and gave him a clear look of my ass and then I ran out saying bye izuku after closing the door. I heard what sounded like a fountain of blood spill on the floor and chuckled and went to my room to get ready.


I was standing near the exit gate of U.A from where the limo will pick us. I was waiting for izuku and he was taking a bit more time in getting ready WHY? I became a bit impatient and started tapping my foot on the ground as I really wanted to see him in the tuxedo.

After waiting for 2-3 mins more, I heard him Calling my name from behind. I turned back with a lighting speed and oh boy. He looked just wow. How can he be cute but sexy also at the same time,

This was what they were wearing

image not mine, imagine shoto is izuku

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image not mine, imagine shoto is izuku

I was blushing very hard and he noticed and to make the situation worse he came very close to me to check whether I'm ok or not." I'm okay izuku. You look very good in that suit" I said after calming down my nerves. "Oh it's all thanks to you. You are also looking very beautiful momo as always" he said with a small smile. 'You sure are a smooth talker izuku' I thought" T-thanks I gu-e-ss" I said, stuttering how izuku used to.

We stood there for a while and then the limo came. Izuku opened the door for me like a gentleman. We started our journey and I instantly spaced out thinking about the events that were going to happen tonight. The dance, The kiss, The announcement, YAY!!. But I was brought out of my dreamland when I heard someone calling my name. It was izuku's voice. And the moment I turned to face him he was very close to me ,our noses were a centimeter apart and I don't know what took over me I just pushed him back. He didn't move back much since he is very strong but he seemed to be sad. I was going to apologize but then only the driver informed us that we had arrived. Izuku got out of the car and opened the gate for me and offered me his hand to help me in coming out of the car. I was going to apologize but, "momo" my mom came out of nowhere and tackled me in a hug. I looked at izuku and he was still sad. This is bad. It's not a good start for the plan. SHOOT!!



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