Chapter 10: [Insert Chapter Title Here]

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July 9th, 2478

After everything had calmed down, Guinevere and Alexandria put together a very lovely picture, and printed it on the printer she had built with Nicholas.

"It looks great," Christopher said. "Why are you doing this again?"

"Well, uh, Amaryllis and I just thought it would be a nice way to get more people to come to the Library." Guinevere left out the part about Lucy not being able to read and the whole lying thing. "So we are starting a program for kids to come, you know, after school, and well, so they can hang out. Read. That sort of thing."

"That's a great idea," Nicholas chimed in. His hand hadn't left Christopher's since they'd kissed. It was sweet, but I'm fairly certain that at this point both their hands were at least a little bit sweaty. Still cute. Still sweet. Just a little bit gross.

I'll apologize for being a realist when someone proves me wrong.

"Do you have anyone you know is going to sign up?" Nicholas continued. "I'm sure lots of kids will be jumping at the chance to visit. I'm sure parents will love it."

Guinevere smiled and nodded. She hadn't told Nicholas or Christopher about how she and Amaryllis were really the only people with Library Cards. If she did, they'd want some to support her, and she knew that couldn't happen. "Yes, well, here's hoping!"

"So, Alexandria, do you plan to stay the night or will you be heading home?" Christopher asked as Nicholas went to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner. "It's fine if you want to stay, but if you were planning to leave you'd probably want to go now to get home before Curfew."

Stealing a glance with Guinevere, Alexandria bit her lip. "Would it make you uncomfortable if I stayed?" she replied.

"Not at all," Christopher said. "Nicholas and I trust you." He gave a meaningful (and rather unnecessary) look at Guinevere.

"We're not going to try anything, Father," Guinevere told him. Christopher nodded, and went off into the kitchen to find Nicholas. "Not with them in the next room," she added under her breath for only Alexandria to hear. They collapsed into a fit of silent giggles.

"Seriously though," Alexandria said. "Not yet."

"Of course not yet. I have to take you on a date first."

"You're going to take me on a date?" Alexandria's eyes lit up. Guinevere thought it was adorable.

For the record, I did not think it was adorable.

"Obviously," Guinevere said. "I can't kiss you then not take you out on a date. Besides," she held out her wrist, "if we are Soulmates then we should get to know each other better."

"Well, is there a greater way to do that than toppling a Government together?" Alexandria wasn't joking, but laughed when Guinevere did so it seemed like she had been.

"I suppose not. But I'll make you dinner. You bring flowers and Starbursts. Maybe we go on a picnic down by the river. I'll take some pictures. You tell me your favourite colour and favourite book and I show you my camera roll and we both laugh and joke together."

"That would be nice," agreed Alexandria. She kissed Guinevere's cheek. "I would really like that."

I promise we will get back to the whole "toppling the Government and getting rid of The Author in a minute" but I have to be accurate and ya da ya da which means we have to bring in the love and whatnot. I know it's boring, and I am sorry.

Also, the longer I drag out this writing process, the longer it will be until my eventual execution of sorts. I'm helping give them time as to how they want to murder me and my soul. It's funny. You would think that as someone who has lived for over four centuries that such little time would pass quickly and would fade in my mind. But I suppose that's part of the curse. I can recall every single moment, and I am aware every single second of my life and that whole "a decade passes in a blink" theory doesn't apply to me.

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