Finally a little Ruby Sheridan

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2 years later.

Cheryl is with her best friend Pauline in school. The lesson is over and they had the disgusting theme in the world in biology: Sex education.
Cheryl walks with Pauline out from the room and Paulines giggles:

"Oh my God...I can't believe that we bleed every one month...uhm..downstairs..God so disgusting."

Cheryl don't listen to her, she sings silent a song again. Pauline looks to her:

"Huhuuu Cheryl! Hello?! Do you listen to me?!" She laughs.

Cheryl looks to her "Huh? What are you saying?"

Pauline rolls her eyes laughing

"let me think about your "singer carrier?"

She makes a sign with her fingers. Cheryl laughs

"Pauline...I have a great idea for a name for my singer carrier."

Pauline laughs again " should learn about you listen to our sex education lesson now?"

Cheryl lies her hand on her mouth and giggles "No."

Pauline laughs

"Cheryl! You can't share with me how disgusting it is!"

Cheryl sighs and sits then down with her in the classroom and lies her hand on Paulines shoulder

"First...this is normal and natural the sex education thing."

Pauline laughs short silent

"I know but its disgusting."

Cheryl says then:

"my name is now Ruby...Ruby Sheridan."

Pauline raises her eyebrow

"are you serious?"

She laughs. Cheryl laughs and nods. Pauline shakes her head laughing

"Oh are really in your singer carrier thing. And.. how do you came for this name?"

Cheryl answers:

"Well...on my pencil was pictures with Ruby's on it and my surname is Sarandon. That's why I thought Ruby Sheridan."

Pauline giggles

"Okay...believe in your singer carrier...maybe you have luck."

Cheryl smiles:

"believe me...I will a famous a singer! Superstar Ruby Sheridan!"

Pauline rolls her eyes and she just shakes her head.
Few hours later is Cheryl back at home. Maxim lies on the sofa and sleeps with an alcohol glass on his hand. On the floor in front of the sofa are many glasses and alcohol bottles. Cheryl sighs as she sees that and sees how her big sister Jolene walks with a heat pad on her stomach on the stairs to her room.
Cheryl lies then her rucksack next to the door and walks to Jolenes room and says then:"I'm back Jolene."
Jolene makes with her face some grimaces because her stomach hurts and looks to her and smiles short:

"Ohhh great."

Cheryl walks closer to her:

" everything okay?"

Jolene nods

"Yeah don't worry...I...uhm..have just my girls problems."

Cheryl looks confused "girls problems?"

Jolene sighs:

"my you have not at school already?"

Cheryl answers:

"is this with bleeding...downstairs?" She asks carefully.

Jolene makes a deep breaths because of the pains and nods only.

Again comes to Cheryl closer:

"May I see that? Your blood?"

Jolene laughs short:

" til you have your period and then can you see your own."

Cheryl nods and go then out from her room. Then she decides to do something. She is a really curious girl and that's why she takes from the bathroom a little hand mirror and go to her room. She lock up her door and lies then on her bed. Then she wears out her trouser and her slip and slowly because of cautiousness she makes her legs to the left and to the right and leans them on the bed. Then she do her little handmirror in front of downstairs and looks, because of curiosity, to the mirror. Then she looks there what is downstairs. First is it for her disgusting but then is it for her a normal look.
After that she decides to slide really carefully with her finger downstairs and twitches short as she feels something a tender place. Carefully she strokes short over it and Cheryl close her eyes short because for her feels good. But she don't know why she have this feeling. After that she makes her hand away and slides her trouser and slip up and runs to the bath and lies the handmirror there away. The whole of the day she thinks what happens in her body....

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