Go to Mexico

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One week later.

Ruby and Pauline go finally to Mexico. Ruby is packing her last things in front of the door to wait for Pauline. Catherine walks to Ruby and looks more weak but nevertheless she is there for her and gives her something

"Here is the handmirror what you want."

She smiles and Ruby looks to her and takes it

"are you sure that I go away for a one week? I mean...you are weak and ill and you need me."

Catherine strokes over her cheek

"honey...its really okay. I feel okay and I let you the chance to drive with Pauline to the vacation."

Ruby smiles and leans her head in the hand from her mum

"okay...but care of yourself."

Catherine nods smiling and suddenly rings at the door and Ruby opens it immediately and Pauline screams:

"its Mexico tiiiiiime!"

She laughs. Ruby laughs too and takes then her suitcase and walks down to Pauline.
Catherine screams:

"have fun! And pay attention of you!"

Ruby and Pauline waves to Catherine and walks to the car and drives then finally to Mexico.
Catherine watches them and sighs happy because she is proud of Ruby and go then back in.

*One week later*

Ruby and Pauline drives back from Mexico to back to home. Ruby loves Mexico so much, but more because of the young man Fernando who she met and fall in love with him. But unfortunately she don't see him again since he go to war.Ruby has the appearance that Fernando is dead. But nevertheless thinks Ruby everytime about him and he is always in her heart. Pauline sits next to her in the car and says then:

"Ahhh Mexico was amazing! We must do that immediately again."

She smiles and looks to Ruby

"but sad that you don't meet a man. Hahhh this would be so great."

Ruby sighs

"Pauline...please...stop talking..."

she said. Ruby don't talk to Pauline about Fernando and her heart hurts more as she heard that. Pauline looks confused

"uhm...is something?"

Ruby sighs and shakes her head

"No..everything okay...I'm just tired from driving and so on...I'm sorry."

Pauline nods

"okay...its okay don't worry."

She smiles short.

After a while she let Pauline to her home and Pauline asks her:

"should we meet us the day after tomorrow? Tomorrow I must go to my family."

She rolls her eyes. Ruby laughs short

"Yeah...its okay..sure we can."

She smiles.
Pauline takes her suitcase and waves to her

"bye Ruby! Til day after tomorrow."

Ruby smiles and Pauline walks to her house.
Ruby drives then back to home and go then to her house and screams:

"mum! I'm back!"

She walks to the livingroom and sees how her mum lies really weak on the sofa. She have fever and her eyes looks really tired. Ruby is a bit anxious at Catherines looks and she sits next to her

"Mum...what's going on with you?"

Catherine tries to answer

"the...doctors..diagnosed me a...heavy illness..but..I can't pay the 2200$."

Ruby is a bit shocked. She must help her mum even though her plan is it to be a superstar. But Catherine asks to have not a negative mood here:

"how was the trip?"

Ruby answers:

"it was great...really."

Catherine smiles short and Ruby stands up

"I go to my room...I unpack my things now."

Then she go to her room with her suitcase and lies then on the bed. From her shirt she takes the chain with the ruby on it what Fernando gave it to her. She looks on it and suddenly she breaks out in tears. Ruby was for the first time really much in love in a man and has for the first time lovesickness. She just hope that he is alive and sometime that she can meet him again.

"I...love you...so much..."

she says that quiet and her voice shakes a bit.
But now she concentrated more about the health for her mum even though it's difficult with her lovesickness. That's why she lies everyday at the bed and thinks silent...

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