Rubys help

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Its the next day and Ruby go to town to calm down herself. She still think how she can help her mum. Ruby walks in a famous street where is everything. Supermarket, restaurants and other things like them. Suddenly she see after a while a house, the doors are red and they are red lights. On the door is a paper and Ruby is reading it

"we search for our borthel "go in go out" a new employee.
Which skills should you can?:
- sing
- dancing on the pole
- and good in bed
We are happy if you apply in our borthel"

As Ruby read that she thoughts about to work there. But she never make love in bed and that's make her more worry. But nevertheless she knows already where she can work.
She memorized that and walks then from that away.

*The next day*

Ruby meet with Pauline and they sit again at the mountain. They talk a bit about people and other things, til Ruby begins:

" know...I need money..because my mum is ill..and she can't pay.."

Pauline lies her hand on Ruby's shoulder

"oh God...but I'll help you Ruby. Don't worry."

Ruby shakes her head

"no...I already found something. I work in a borthel so that I get enough money."

Pauline looks shocked but confused too

"what???? In a borthel??? Are you crazy??"

Ruby is silent and looks to her shy. Pauline continues

"Ruby...this is really dangerous when you work there. What if when you get suddenly an illnesses or when you finally got pregnant???"

Ruby sighs and she rolls her eyes

"Pauline...believe me..I pay attention of myself. And I try that I must only dance at the pole..and..not make love in bed. But please Pauline don't talk anyone about this. Really. Specially my mum. I don't want that she makes her more worry even though she is ill."

She makes some pray hands. Pauline looks really unsure and sighs but then she say:

" what you want. Do it for your mum. But I don't want hear some cry things okay?"

She laughs. Ruby laughs

"okay...but..thanks you are the best."

She hugs her best friend and they talk a bit about the borthel.

At the next the next day go Ruby to the borthel and stands in front of it. She makes a deep breath and go in. She looks around and sees only a dark room with a bar and many chairs. In front of them are some little stages with poles and a big stage. From a behind she hears a deep voice


Ruby turns around to him and walks to him a bit unsure. This man have short black hair and a ugly skin. He wears a red west with yellow stripes on the site. Instead of a trouser he wears only a red slip. Ruby get fearness at his look but nevertheles she say:

"hey...uhm..I'm Ruby Sheridan...I.. saw outside a paper that you find employee's."

The man takes a cigarette and makes fire on it and nods

"ahhh okay...yeah.. "

he turns around and screams:


from a little room comes a loud voice

"what James?!"

James answers:

Ruby Sheridan - a star is bornWhere stories live. Discover now