A baby named Donna

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Even though Ruby is pregnant she sings concerts with John and Ruby will more and more famous, much more than John. John tries to care of her because he is so proud to be a father. But unfortunately Ruby isn't interest at her baby. That's why tries John that Ruby don't go to concerts because of her pregnancy. But Ruby don't care about her baby and she wants sing every night.

9 months later born Ruby a healthy little girl. Her name is Donna.
Ruby lies in the hospital bed and lies Donna immediately in her little bed. John looks confused and shows with his hand to Donna

"Was that all? Ruby you born a little girl. I'm a father now and you a mother and you behave  that she isn't here."

Ruby sighs and rolls her eyes and answers annoyed:

"John...I said that to you hundret times. I want sing on stages. This is more important than this little baby here. And you are a singer too! Why do you behave suddenly like a real father now?"

John is confused what Ruby is saying. He shakes only his head and answers:

"Because this baby needs a father! And you are famous enough now, more than me. And Donna needs a mother. And you need a break."

Ruby laughs irony and hates John much more now and stands up from the bed

"I go to a concert now!"

John walks to her immediately and let her sit back on the bed and immediately says Ruby:

"Don't touch me John!"

She shows with her index finger to him. John makes an annoying look and posture

"are you crazy??? You birth a baby few minutes ago and you only think now to sing a concert?"

He lies his hand on her shoulder

"And I can touch you! I'm your husband!"

Ruby hits his arms away and lies then annoyed back in bed and don't say anything anymore. Donna whimpers now and Ruby make not any moves. She looks to an other direction as Donna beginns to whimper. John looks then to Donna. He walks to her and takes her on his arms and cuddles with her.
Ruby is almost crying again because she miss again Fernando so much. She just think why she said yes in his proposal and she would turn back time.

Back at home
Ruby makes finish for her concert even though John forbid her that. She calls her bodyguard:

"Yes the concert occurs. God don't worry about me, this baby is not important. Thank you and see you in 5 minutes."

She already wear her white dress with a black jacket and packs her bag.
Then she walks to the door and meanwhile watches John with Donna on his arms Ruby. He is really disappointed at Ruby and he just wish that he cares of Donna.
The concert from Ruby was again a big success and she will more and more a big superstar.

*two years later*

The relationships between John and Ruby are more difficult. John is already not a singer anymore because he is jealous at Ruby. Ruby is more famous than him and nobody asks anymore for a CD for him. Furthermore he has physiological problems.
Donna is now 2 years old and the relationship between her and Ruby is still difficult. Ruby is everyday at concerts and have no time to care of her.
Ruby stands, like everyday, in her room and makes her finish for a concert. Donna opens suddenly the door


She smiles. Ruby scares a bit, falls down her lipstick and looks to her annoyed

"Donna!!! Go out from here!!! Immediately!!!"

She takes her lipstick again.

Donna scares a bit and walks out and begins then to cry. Ruby close the door really loud and after a while she is finish. She takes her bag and walks to the door. John walks then to Ruby with Donna on his arms

"Do you scream at her??"

Ruby wears on her white shoes and looks to him like there is nothing.

"And? What is so horrible? I must go to a concert and she is disturbing me."

John will again mad

"Are you crazy???? She is still a little child. You go everyday to a concert and think only about this! Can't you stay a one day here and care of us?"

Ruby sighs annoyed and looks up short to the ceiling. Then she looks to him again

"John...shut up now! I hate it when you only talk about "ohh stay here because of me! Stay here because of Donna!" God John I'm always there for you! And this is my dream to stand on stage! My dream! And nobody will disturb it!!."

She takes her bag again and opens the door. She go out and close the door with a loud sound. John sighs deep and he has already a plan how he can revenge on her...

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