Finally go to Kalokairi

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9 years later

Donna is a beautiful young woman now. She finish finally her exams and is that's why really excited. At the morning calls Donna her mum. She hope that she can talk with her. Finally is Ruby at the telephone


Asks Ruby annoyed because she makes her make up away.
Donna hears that she is in stress

"Did I disturbing you now?"

Ruby sighs deep

"Yes..but tell me what you want."

Donna is now really carefully

" is my celebration in the university and...I want that you come."

Ruby looks confused as she hears that because she don't know that she is in Oxford and make there her exams

"To Oxford? Are you crazy? Donna I'm not flying from america to you only to celebrate with you."
Donna is mad at her and stamps with her one foot on the floor.

"Mum...just one time do please something for me. You was never there for me and I'm your fcking daughter. Please come one time."

Ruby sighs deep and she just want hung up now

"If you want..but don't cry if I don't come."

Then she hung up and Donna looks shocked to the listener. A bit sad but of course happy. But she despair that her mum really comes. But nevertheless wears Donna her clothes and go to university.
Donna makes a meetpoint with her best friends Tanya and Rosie.  They meet in front of the university. Donna smiles as she see them


Tanya and Rosie hugs her

"Heyy Donna"

says Tanya.

"How are you?"

Asks Rosie.

Donna sighs and looks to them

"Good...but..I don't know if can go my mum to our celebration. She go here because I want that. But I have the despair that she don't come."

Tanya sighs and lies her hand on her shoulder

"Donna...why do you ask her that? She don't come here anyway. You have us."

She smiles.

"You can celebrate with my parents."

Donna looks to her and lies her hand on her arm


She smiles.

Rosie laughs

"Of course...this is your family.. not her."

Donna smiles

"Thank you"

Tanya and Rosie hugs her lovely.
After few hours starts the celebration and Donna stands in front of the university because she hope that Ruby is there. But she's don't coming. Everytime looks Donna on her watch. She knew it somehow but nevertheless she is sad. She go in, a bit late and celebrate with the others.

Few days later is Donna back at home in Las Vegas and she decides already to go to an other country. Donna sees Ruby at the mirror and says then:

"Uhm...thank you that you not coming to the celebration."

Ruby makes her make up on her cheeks

"I had a second concert. This is important."

Donna shrugs with her shoulders

"Anyway...I go to Greece now..."

she go short out and then back

"to Kalokairi if you want know!"

Then she go out from the room to pack the things.

Ruby makes only a little:


Donna packs her things continue and few minutes later she go to the door and looks around. Donna says smiling

" mum."

Then she dissappears with her suitcase.

Ruby walks out from the livingroom, still with a make up thing on her hand and smiles as she see that Donna is finally away....

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