A new happy life

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We slide now to the time from Mamma Mia 2/3.

Ruby is coming to the party from Sophie and she never believe who she met there: the man who she fall in love in Mexico. Fernando Cienfuegos. Fernando is her real truly love. She name him as a lover of her life. But she feels something what she really miss. Ruby had never the family feeling  what she usually wants. And now she repented really that she never cares of Donna so well. Somehow is it the fault from John because she don't love him but more because of herself. Ruby go everyday to concerts and she don't care how Donna feels. But Ruby knows too that the love pain from Fernandos dissappear also had to do with.
On Kalokairi she visits always Donna's tombstone and lies always flowers in front of it. And she is a proud grandma and great grandmother now and she just wish that this not changed. Ruby asks Sophie often how Donna was a mum and what Donna told about her. As Sophie explains her that, she saw really that she did a big mistake. So sad that she can't turn back time and make it all different. Stay at Fernando even though, he go to the war, not marry John and specially: even though she go to concerts to care of Donna very well.
Now she is really happy married with her truly love husband Fernando Cienfuegos. This man who she thought all the years he is dead.  For him and the family she sings less concerts so that she make the big mistake not again. For Donna too even though she isn't here anymore. Ruby believes that the dead people is flying as a ghost in the sky and looking down to them. Ruby hope so from that that Donna do this the same.

Ruby and Fernando make, because of the marriage, a honeymoon in the maledives.
Its their last day and they sit together in the bathtub with lather. Ruby sits on Fernandos lap and leans her head against his chest.
Fernandos arm is around Ruby's overbody and Ruby strokes over his arm

"This is so good...I want stay here longer. I mean the water, the weather..."

Fernando smiles and strokes with his hand over her arm

"I want too...but do you know what's the mainthing is?"

Ruby shakes her head

"No...tell me honey."

Fernando comes closer to Ruby's ear and whispers:

"That I have you finally on my side. That I have an amazing woman on my side who I love. I love you so much my flower...my mi amore."

He strokes over her hairs

"when I stroke your beautiful white - blonde hairs comes the sun and I must always smile."

Ruby looks to him smiling and sits then in front of him on his lap and makes his legs around his body
"Honey...I don't know...what should I say about this. Because meanwhile the time as I marry my first husband who I never love, I marry him because of money. I was a naive young girl"

She leans her forehead on Fernandos and breath short out

"and that was the biggest mistake in my life. Even though he help me to be a superstar. Do you know what the best choice in my life is? To met you...to fall in love with you"

Fernando smiles meanwhile

"...and...to marry you...I love you so much."

She lies her hands on Fernandos cheeks and kisses him really much passionately and Fernando kisses her back. Fernando lies sometime his hands on her waists and moves her softly.
Ruby stops short with kissing and looks down and enjoys what he is doing and close her eyes.
As she did her first time with Fernando in Kalokairi was it just different with him. Better and more softly than John.
Fernando looks to her

"Whats wrong?"

Ruby looks to him smiling and
says then:

"Nothing....go on..you know that I love your sex."

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