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Honestly didn't think it would be that easy for her to agree. But hey, she did. With a bunch of stupid rules she thinks I'll follow, but she should know by now I love breaking rules and I love how she looks when she is mad, like today when she came to the hotel room looking as if she wanted to commit suicide for agreeing with me. Adorable.

She is adorable. Her lips wow, adorable too. And those eyes. The way she talks about music and even politics, I could watch this woman talk politics the whole day and still find it sexy.
Gosh, I had forgotten how she made me feel.
Honestly could watch her watching paint dry and wouldn't get bored...

"STEVEN I SWEAR TO GOD" I blink fast and my head falls when Mackenzie pulls my wrist, which I was using to support my head when I got lost in this daydream like a thirteen year old.

"What? I am paying attention." The boys just start straight out laughing at me, Dane has his eyes narrowed and Mack looks like she could punch me in the face, but I came to realize that's just her face to me.

"Oh sure you are. So, how will we start? Do you have any songs ideas?", she looks at me with her eyebrows raised, in that 'I am better than you Mackenzie face', and I don't know what to answer. I mean, normally I'd write a song about my misery...and about her. But now she is here.

I look around, trying to find help in my friends faces but all I see is their skeptical features and eyebrows raised. "Yeah", I yell, earning more skeptical looks. Now from the producers and Mack as well. "Well- I mean- I- I- I guess?"
What the actual fuck? Since when do I mumble?

Mack looks like she is running out of patience and just shoots me a death glare before saying with an icy voice, "Is that a yes or no? Honestly StEvEn, I need your help here. You need to cooperate" god, I am cooperating. It's just, having her here is unsettling. It feels weird and it's like a walking reminder of how many times I've screwed up.

Out of my silence she just sighs before turning to the boys, "anything?", misha out of anyone is the one who gives a response, "okay, don't laugh. Any of you. But I actually have an idea...based on a personal experience" oh god no. He'll probably come up with some sex, drugs and rock and roll shit. I throw my head back in exasperation but all I get is a hard glance from Mack. "Okay, tell me about it, since you are literally the only one who is helping me here", she roles her eyes and I get lost in those blue orbes again. GOD HELP ME.

"So", misha starts, "I fell in love with this girl a couple of months ago and she used me, I think we can write about that", he shakes his shoulder in an indifferent way, but I know how heartbroken he was.
"Ohh, I can work with that, tell me everything", Mack says excited like misha's love story is something out of her favorite tv show's.

Thirty minutes later Mackenzie seems in awe with misha's story. And I am almost falling asleep. "I can't believe she did that! What a bitch. Misha you deserve better, so let's go boys, we'll make a song out of that" she smiles, and I can't help but bite my lips to not smile over her excitement. It's adorable. But soon enough she is back to barking orders.

"Dane on the bass, Steven grab your electric guitar, Luke I'll only need your pedal. Misha you help me here. You guys follow my lead."
We obviously obey her immediately and follow her requests. She sits with a notebook and starts talking and gesturing to the producers. Oh this woman will be the death of me.

"I think we could start in a good old 'devils of the night' way, how bout that?" Misha is nodding and smiling, we all are.
"Something like: 'I fell in love with a groupie, her only motive was to use me, for the fame, for the money, for the clout, for the stage, for the fans and I'm so mad'?" Wow, that was fast.

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