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I wake up to the sound of rain pouring outside.
It's dark right now, probably the middle of the night and it takes sometime for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I try to get up and catch my phone to see the time but Mackenzie's body is sprawled on top of me, her head hiding in the crook of my neck and her legs holding my waist, so it takes some cautious for me to get the phone and not wake her up.

Eventually I take hold of my phone. It's 3am. We should probably get going, but I am too tired to move and Mack looks dead to the world. We pulled a hell of a show in here, god help there are no cameras. While she was sleeping I found a blanket in the corner and pulled on ourselves which is why we are not freezing right now.

I missed her so much and she has no idea, but I plan on telling her everything, beg for forgiveness and all as soon as she wakes up.  For now I just settle to watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful and happy like this. I love her so much. And after tonight I'm not sure I can continue acting like I don't.

Mackenzie senses myself looking and her body stirs before she looks up at me, smiling, "Hey. What time is it?" I caress her shoulder and give her a kiss on the forehead before answering, "humm 3 am, we better get going", her eyes go wide before she starts scrambling between her stuff and putting her clothes on,

"omg omg omg, lisa...Jordan, they are probably freaking out, oh god what have I done?", she starts mumbling nonsense while I put on my clothes. Mackenzie picks up her phone looking anxious and worried, "everything ok?", I ask,

"Yeah, just 10 missed calls from the girls. They have probably put the police on the street by now", she answers sounding rushed while gathering her stuff. Mackenzie doesn't even acknowledge my presence, "look, breathe, we'll call them on the car and explain everything. But I need to talk to you about what happened", she looks at me like I'm speaking Greek before saying with her eyebrows raised, "there's nothing to talk about, Steven. What happened won't happen again. I was caught in a moment of vulnerability. Let's go."

To say I'm stunned is an understatement, but before I can utter a word, Mackenzie is already storming out of the door. What the fuck? She just cut me off? Like, right now? When I was ready to pour my heart out to this woman and beg for forgiveness? Karma really is a bitch after all.

With nothing left to do, I just follow her to my car. She sound distressed the whole ride, texting back and forth the whole time. "Okay, we really need to talk, Mackenzie?" I say out loud. She just gives me a skeptical look, "what is there to talk about? You fucke-", I stop her before she continues "stop right there, what we did went above that, and I want to talk about what I did two years ago".

She just waves me off before giving me a snarl, "I can't talk about it now, Steven. Tomorrow"
I nod at her, "okay, I'll call you. You're home", she looks at the window next to her, sounding distracted, "thanks for the ride, see you in a couple of hours. Bye", she climbs out of my car without even looking at me.

A couple of hours ago I was sure I'd get her back. Now? I'm sure it will be harder than expected.

"Hey, you've reached Mackenzie. We don't use voicemails anymore so don't bother leaving a message, just text me already. Bye", it's the third time I call her and am left on voicemail. She is totally ghosting me. Who would've thought?

I let go a frustration growl before turning back to Dane, who inspections the menu of the the restaurant we are in. "Have you talked to Mack today?", I ask acting indifferent.
"Yes. Stop bothering her. She is in class", Dane answers narrowing his eyes knowingly.
I ignore his comment and go back to my own menu. Gosh, she is driving me insane. Having her yesterday just made me hungrier for her and the need to have her be mine again stronger than ever. And well, I'll fight for her.

"I'm having a baby", Dane spills as if it's the most normal thing in the world while I start chocking on my beer bottle. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK", I yell, earning reproving stares from the people on the restaurant, but right now, I'm too stunned to care.

Dane shoots me a warning glance and I just ask whispering, "what the fuck dude???? How did it happen? Who is the mother? Are you sure it's yours?", I can't even explain how shocked and distressed I am.

"Do you really want to know how it happened", to which I answer with a frank shake of my head. Spare me the details, "Lisa is pregnant and yes, I'm sure it's mine. We found out two days ago", I can't believe this. How is coping with that alone? How is Lisa doing? I mean, it's a blessing and all but we are young, the band is always on the road and Lisa is in college.

"Will you guys keep it?", I wish I didn't have to ask that, but just to be sure. Dane looks drained, but I can see a glimpse of excitement in his eyes when he answers, "Lisa is still deciding, it's up to her and I'll remain by her side through it all.", I nod. He wants to keep this baby. Of course he does. I hope Lisa decides to keep it.
"I'm with you guys too, okay? Whatever you need from me, I'm here, bro" Dane has always been there for me, this is the least I can do.
"Thanks, Steven. And hey, don't tell Mackenzie yet, Lisa was planning on telling the girls today", I agree obviously, and we keep choosing our food.

I'll be an uncle. Probably. And I can't help but think how I'd be in his position, freaking out obviously, but happy. I want to be a dad one day and just the thought of having a mini Mack running around makes my heart flutter.

We finish our meals and head to the studio, but before we get inside, I pull Dane to a hug, "congratulations daddy!" I say and we laugh together.

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