3 years ago (mackenzie)

2 0 0

Mack, 17/ Steven, 18

"I said remember this moment
In the back of my mind
The time we stood with our shaking hands
The crowds in stands went wild"
-long live (Taylor Swift)

"1,2,3 devils of the night!", I yell with the boys while we cheer before they get up stage.
The devils of the night have landed a concert in a music festival in Santa Barbara, and I'm obviously here to support them.

I can't even express how proud I am of them right now. The boys have come a long way and the look of happiness in Steven's eyes make my heart flutter. I'm more than happy to be here , having the chance to see him and my brother fulfill their dreams.

While we start climbing up the stairs to the stage, where Lisa and I will stay on the back, Steven catches my wrist and pulls me to himself envolving us in a passionate, breath taking kiss. When we let go I get on my toes to whisper on his ears,

"I love you and I'm so proud of you. Now go there and set that stage on fire.", I smile at him and he holds my face in his hands looking straight into my eyes. We keep this visual battle for a while until he whispers "I love you", between my lips.

"Hey, lovebirds. We need to get in stage in 1 minute. Hurry", Dane yells from the stairs.
We chuckle softly but I sense his uneasiness. Steven is nervous. I hold his face now looking at his eyes, "you can do it. You are Steven Hendrix for Christ's sake, go there and make us proud. And if you ever need help, I'll be backstage. All you have to do is look behind and I'll be there, kay?"

Steven nods, pulls his sunglasses back to his eyes and kisses me hard before going up stage. Oh man, this boy is the hottest and he is mine. I bite my lip at the thought and follow them right behind, making my way to Lisa. She looks just as proud as I am.
We enlace our arms together and start cheering for them as they make their entrance.

"They are destined for grandness, you know?", Lisa says and I just nod because I sense that too. "I just know one day they'll be on stadiums and this right now will look small.", tell her, a proud smile tugs in the corner of my lips at that.

"Hello Santa Barbara. Make some noise!", and the crowd goes wild. My chin drops at the amount of people down there cheering and screaming for the boys. We knew it was a huge crowd but never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that it was like this.

Steven looks back at me gobsmacked and I just laugh at him giving a thumbs up. He goes back to the crowd starting his guitar solo with Dane while misha plays the drums. The guys still haven't found an official drummer, so misha does the job.

"Do you remember summer '09
Wanna go back there every night
Just can't lie it was the best time of my life
Lying on the beach as the sun blew out
Playing this guitar by the fire too loud
Oh my my they could never shut us down..."

Steven starts singing and I don't know if it's possible but the crowd loses it again. Oh my goodness. This is amazing. I can't help but notice how amazing he looks up there, the way he owns the stage to himself. That's Steven's place. Lisa and I start singing along and jumping backstage. We are having the time of our lives and I can see the boys are too. When they get to the chorus of the song, we are all surprised by how everyone sing along.

By the middle of the concert, the boys are already confident in a way they weren't in the beginning. Girls yell for them, asking them in marriage and all kinds of stuff. Every time they do that misha blows them a kiss and I'm sure a few of them have fainted already.

Eventually Steven switches for his acoustic guitar and starts the first accords of "love song", the song he wrote for me. He looks back at me, singing the first verse with his eyes on my eyes and I blow him a kiss. He continues the song for the crowd, but when they reach the last verse, Steven signals something to Dane who just nods with a smirk.

What are they doing? Steven drops his guitar and since the sun is already setting, he takes his sunglasses out before throwing it to the crowd. I don't even need to say how crazy the girls go, and then he goes crazy and runs to me.

"What the fuck Steven?? Go back now!", he just laughs at me before picking me up and saying "stop, I love you you know?" I roll my eyes before saying, "that's all? You left the crowd for this?", he grins and shakes his head.

"No babe, I left the crowd for this", and then he kisses me. Tongue and all with the sunset on our backs, throwing my head back as if we were in movie. And it's magical. Dane continues playing, Steven keeps kissing me with passion while Lisa and the whole crowd apparently cheers.

When we lose our breaths, he just brings me closer, our foreheads touching. I smile at him and whisper, "love you for infinity", he kisses me again, leaving me breathless, "love you for infinity, cheesie". We smile at each other like two fools in love, our foreheads together and the sun on the background. It's perfect

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