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Lisa decided to drop the "baby bomb" in the middle of breakfast and now I'm trying to avoid Jordan from chocking with pancakes at the same time as I try to assimilate what I just heard.

Lisa is three months pregnant. Dane is the father. They found out two days ago. She'll keep it. It was all too fast, I don't know what to say or what to do. I'll be an aunt and I can't help but feel excited and worried about her.

I hold Lisa's hand, she looks so vulnerable and scared, but I sense she is happy too, "I've got you Liss. This baby is going to be the most loved of the world", she nods at me letting go of a sob.

"Yes, and it will have the most amazing three mothers in the world, you can count on us", completes Jordan. Then we are crying, laughing and hugging each other.

"Congratulations momma!", I whisper on her ear and she holds me thightly. Eventually lisa and I are kneeling on the ground and proceeding to talk with her belly. She laughs, but I can sense her relief. She really thought we wouldn't be supportive?

"Thank you girls. Really thank you", Lisa says in between tears and we go back to hugging her. "It will be alright, everything will be fine", I tell her and she nods.

My phone starts ringing and the girls let go of my embrace so I can pick it up. Steven. He's been ringing since 9am, because according to him we need to "talk". But i can't afford to talk with him after last night. I really had sex with him in a studio. The whole night. WHERE WAS MY HEAD???

And then he woke up acting like a lost puppy and wanting to talk about our relationship. He really thought that one hot night, emphasis on the hot because this man still got it, would bring us back together and just erase all of his mistakes. He wishes, But I won't give him an easy time.

I turn the phone off leaving him on voicemail again. When I turn around, I meet two pairs of accusing eyes. "You won't get away that easily young girl", Jordan says with her eyebrows raised while Lisa looks amused nodding her head.

"After the prank you pulled last night making us almost die of worry and not even explaining everything when you made the walk of shame at 3am, you have a lot to explain", oh god, Lisa is already acting like a mom.

Last night I got home to find Lisa and Jordan sitting worried on the couch waiting for me, I waved them off apologizing for what happened and claimed to have lost track of time at the studio. They knew I was lying, but decided to let me go and we went to bed right after. This morning after what Lisa said I thought they had forgotten and that I would continue living without explaining anything. Ha, lucky me.

"I already told you guys what happened. I lost track of time at the studio, went to a diner and came back home. My battery died", I explain.
Lisa and Jordan start dying of laughter while I look at them in fake misunderstanding.
"Honestly Mack, you earn points for the poker face", Lisa exclaims and i still act like I don't understand what they're saying, when Jordan says,

"I saw Steven coming out of the bathroom yesterday when we left for the bar", my chin drops, "we asked for him to come with us but he said he would stay some more at the studio and that he was "too tired"", Jordan says with amusement. Okay, that doesn't mean anything, but before I can explain that, she looks at me with a skeptical look,

"We saw you climbing out of his Range Rover, through the window. Don't even try to run away." Fuck. They ambushed me.
"Spill the beans, sweetie", Lisa says and I just flip my finger at them, but I know they won't leave me alone so I tell them everything, I decide to start telling them all the details as some sort of punishment, and they start screaming and begging for me to stop. And this ladies and gentlemen is what I like to call sweet revenge.

"Spare me the details for Christ's sake", Lisa yells, i just laugh before responding, "oh yes, you already understand all the details", she sticks out her tongue but laughs with me and Jordan.

I finish telling them everything and Jordan just asks, "so, what are you doing now?", i am really straightforward with my answer, "nothing, I wont come back to him or forgive him. And what happened was nothing", they look at me like they know something I don't but I just ignore.

"It doesn't seem like it was nothing for him though", Jordan points out and Lisa nods in agreement.
"Well, I don't really care if he's hurt or anything. He had it coming. Eventually he'll forget and come back to some girl he's screwing"

They look...sorry? The two of them were hoping I'd talk to him? Oh lord, pregnancy is affecting Lisa's head.

"Anyway, you can keep avoiding hottie Steven as much as you want but you'll have to face him tonight". What the holly hell?
Jordan just laughs at me but looks just as oblivious.
"The boys are coming for pizza tonight. Deal with it", Lisa says as if it's the most normal thing in the world. I spit on my cappuccino. WHAT?
Jordan is acting like this is the best thing ever and just continues with her pancakes telling us she'll buy appetizers and wine.
What's wrong with them?

Jordan and Lisa continue discussing plans for tonight while I feel lost. What will I do?

I decided that he won't affect me tonight, so I dress myself to kill. I'm wearing a black Dior tight dress that hugs my curves in the best way, matched with my louboutin scarpin and a simple makeup with red lipstick and loose hair hanging. I look hot and I know it. I'm confident enough to like the way I look, and to say without fear that I am indeed pretty.

Right now we are all sitting together chatting, eating cheese, drinking wine and everything is perfect. Steven is running late. Did I mention everything is perfect? Misha and I are remanescing the old days, Dane is lurking on top of Lisa like she hangs the moon and Luke is eagerly talking with Jordan. This is perfect.

Then the bell rings and I feel like throwing up. I don't know if it's possible to sweat with the air conditioner on, but I'm sweating.

"Mack, can you get the door? It's probably the pizza," Lisa says, bashing her lashes in an innocent way. Bitch. "Ah, actually I was going to get another bottle of wine. Jordan would you mind?," I ask getting up.

"Yes, I would. You're already up. Go get the pizza Mack," she says with amusement, and when I look at the table they are all looking at me expectingly, waiting to see what I'll do because it's damn obvious I'm running from Steven like a mouse runs from a cat. But I won't give them a taste.

So I get up with my chin up, acting like the goddess I am and open the door. The pizza man is standing by the door and I've never felt sillier. I exhale a breath of relief after paying and receiving the pizza, but before I can close the door, strong hands hold it in place and I almost fall before Steven takes me by the waist and holds me in place.

With his hands still holding me, he looks me up and down before kissing the corner of my lips in a sexy way, making me shiver, and saying, "hey guys, I'm here", letting go of me as if I wasn't even there, he goes straight to the table to talk to his friends.
And I'm left stunned by the door. This will be a hell of a night.

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