Chapter 10

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"Until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Magmapaw." Called the large ginger tom, atop BrokenLedge. "Spotpelt, you have proved yourself to be ready for a second apprentice." The calico she-cat bowed her head with honor. Spotpelt, she's a respectable warrior. A little strict, but strong.

Magmapaw bound over to her new mentor and touched her black nose. She spotted Plumpaw, her violet eyes shining happily. The clan chanted her new name, Plumpaw yowling her name with excitement. "Magmapaw!" "Magmapaw!" "Magmapaw!"

The crowd broke up as the clan scattered along the rocky clearing. Spotpelt beckoned Magmapaw with her tail, leading her out of camp. Once the she-cats were alone, Spotpelt eyes narrowed. "Let's be real, Magmapaw, you probably know every tail-length of this territory. I'm going to go on a border patrol, you're coming, as well."

Magmapaw nodded, surprised. My first border patrol, not that I haven't gone to the border before. She followed Spotpelt without question, as they soon reached the rest of the patrol. "It's good to see you, Magmapaw. Now smell the border closely." Instructed a sly black she-cat.

"She's my apprentice, Ravenlilly." Spotpelt growled. Ravenlilly hissed, her green eyes narrowing. Lurksnow growled, her white fur bristling, "Stop bickering, we have a border to check."

Magmapaw's fur was prickling nervously. Her patrol had just reached camp, her clanmates still seeming quite tense. Fleckbreeze bound over to her, her green eyes sparkling with pride. "How was your first border patrol?"

"It was okay, I guess." She replied. "Fleckbreeze, you're on hunting patrol!" Called Flamestar. Fleckbreeze lapped at Magmapaw's head swiftly before trotting over to her mate. Magmapaw sulked over to the apprentice's den, her mind racing. That was that red kit again! She recalled her experience with the Amberclan patrol, and how tense the two clans were. She had spotted the same kit from the time she had wandered onto Amberclan territory. His amber eyes seemed to stare into her soul, as if he had the same idea. 

Magmapaw shook out her fur, she was an apprentice now! She had to help her clan, not worry about some random kit. "Magmapaw! Congratulations on becoming an apprentice!" Plumpaw mewed as she trotted into the den. A purr rose from her throat as she buried her muzzle into Magmapaw's neck. "Thanks, Plumpaw." She mewed softly. Plumpaw's bright eyes lit up, with excitement. "Windclaw is taking me out hunting, we should ask Spotpelt if we can do it together!"

"That's a good idea." Magmapaw purred. Her fur smoothed, Anything to get my mind off the other clans. The two she-cats walked over to Spotpelt, who was sharing an adder with Windclaw. "Can we go hunting with Plumpaw?" Magmapaw asked. Spotpelt nodded with a stretch. "I'll race you! Let's go!" Plumpaw called. Plumpaw shot across the rocky clearing, her pale fur becoming a blur as she ran. Magmapaw tore after her, her tawny fur blowing in the afternoon wind.

Plumpaw giggled as she peered behind her at Magmapaw, who was close on her tail. Magmapaw growled playfully as she caught up with the pale she-cat. Magmapaw let out a burst of speed, running a tail-length in front of her. Plumpaw's violet eyes shimmered with amusement as she flanked the tawny she-cat. "Whoever gets to the big sandstone boulder first, wins!" Magmapaw yowled. I'm almost there! She thought as the large rock came up in the distance. She pushed forward, the boulder so close that she could almost touch it. I'm gonna win! As she reached out to touch the sandstone, Plumpaw let out a happy yowl. The pale she-cat leaped into the air, over Magmapaw's head, landing directly on the boulder.

"I win!" Plumpaw cried. "Good job, cheater." Magmapaw panted. Plumpaw leaped down, and batted her ear playfully, "You're just sour cause you didn't win!" Magmapaw pounced on her with a yowl, wrestling her on the rocky ground. "Hey!" Plumpaw yowled, hitting her denmate's belly with soft blows. "You two are going to scare all the prey, with all that noise." Windclaw purred, his thick fur blowing in the wind. "Sorry, Windclaw." Plumpaw mewed, dipping her head with embarrassment.

"Sorry doesn't fill bellies." Spotpelt snorted. "It's alright, Spotpelt. They're just having fun." Windclaw mewed, softly. Spotpelt sighed, "Alright, Magmapaw, let me show you some hunting techniques."


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