Chapter 17. Envy and plan.

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It was second day from my imprisonment and start of boredom. There's almost nothing i could do. Every morning that annoying scared old geezer come in cell to give me food. Today was the same. He came in morning to give me breakfast and laterit was time for lunch. I heard open first door and let out small sight.

~Aaah. I wish Envy was here.

Right when i said that i hear doors to my cell open and see some familiar soldier with short blonde hair. He came in and closed doors behind him and told.

~You are lucky. Your wish just came truth.

Soldier told and suddenly i saw red sparks and then i saw none other than my beloved Envy. I gave him a small smile. I was really happy to see him and he smiled back. He came closer to me and put food near me and then he started to stare into my eyes.

~You look totally pathetic [Y/N].

~Haha thanks. Make fun of me. I really need that right now.

I told with ironic look on my face.

~I know, i know. Don't be mad i'm joking. Outstretch your hands.

I looked at him and did as he told me to. He unlocked cuffs and i asked.

~Why are you doing this? What if they find out?

~How are you supposed to hug me with hands like this?

He gave me little grin and i immediately hugged him. He hugged me too and didn't want to let me be. After some time he finally let me breath and he told.

~You asked what if they find out. Nothing would happen. It's okey. They just can't see me in this form.

~Really? How's that possible? Don't tell me you figured something out along with Wrath?!

~Yeah. That's exactly what happened.

~Whoa and what's gonna happen now?

~Well guess i'm gonna tell you all of what happened. Yesterday Wrath came down to hideout and told me that they arrested you. I just facepalmed and though how is that possible that YOU were caught. He told me that he had some kind of plan and i should came today to see him of course as soldier. Today i came there and he told me his plan. I'm supposed to be special trained soldier and i'm allowed to be here with you as much as i want to because i have important job.

~Hmm? And what's that job?

~This part you probably won't like. I'm supposed to convince you to became soldier while you will work right under Wrath. He will probably make it like you are doing some important missions for army but you would came back in hideout and you would do work with me like before. But because you would be released from here and you will became soldier you won't be able to kill them as you want because if they catch you, you would be judged as traitor and murderer and even Warth wouldn't be able to do a thing. This is if you accept this offer.

~And what if i won't accept it?

~In that case you are supposed to be executed. It would be mine job to do so we would try to fake your death. But in that case noone knows where execution will be and it may be after our plan. And if you won't be in center of happening you would die. And in case you would be able to fake death before The Day than you won't be able to be even seen anywhere or they would know that you are not dead. I think that first offer is better than this. But decision is up on you.

~Well there's no choice but to take first offer and became fucking soldier.

I gave small sigh.

~And now that i took offer when i will be able to get away?

~I was given week to ,,convince you,, but it would be suspictious if you accept it right the first day because everybody knows you hate soldiers and don't want to become one. Others know olny that you have choice to choose between becoming soldier and death.  I think we should wait one or two more days before you answear. I'm allowed to be here every single day as much as i think i need to be here. So i'm gonna make sure you won't be bored.

~Heh okey. We will wait. Soo now-

I took bite of food. That time it was something Envy prepared so it tasted really good.

~What are we going to do in here? And can you even sleep here?

~Dunno. I'm gonna told others something like i have a plan how to convince you and soon i'll be back and we will paly some cards. Right after i leave someone will porbably take look at you so i have to put these cuffs back. You are alchemy user so you have to understand.

~Uh okey. Hope it won't take too long. I told and ate the rest of my food. Then Envy put on cuffs and shape shift to blond haired soldier and left. When he left i started to smile.

~Looks like i don't have to break our promise. I'm really happy you care about me. You are the only one that really care about me.

I though and soon i hear opening of doors. At first you though it was Envy but i remembered as he said someone will check me. Soon annoying old geezer came in and started to talk.

~I can't understand how could King Bradley let monster like you to choose your fate. You should be executed right here and right now.

~Yeah? And what are you going to do about it? Are you going to make W- King Bradley change his mind?

I told with grin.

~If you wasn't powerfull and usefull for army i'm sure he would let you be executed.

~I wonder if he would do that. I'm gonna tell you little secret. My boyfriend won't let that happen. But now that's nothing for you to think about. Your head isn't able to take it so stop thinking about it.


~What's going on in here?

~This murderer is talking nonsense i'm sure we should execute her, she doesn't have any value for us and i think that Kind Bradley is totally out of his mind to let this monster alive and let... her... join...

Old man looked at person next to him to see King Bradley himself. Old man didn't have any words to save this situation. Wrath was glaring at him and Envy in soldier form was standing behind him.

~Get out of here. I have buisness with her and you are in way. I'll take care of you and your opinion later.

Old fahrt just nodded and quickly run away. Then Envy and Wrath came in.

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