lone wolf

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There is no such thing as a lone wolf...

I thought to my self after all of the things that has happened to me...

(A month ago)

I was the alpha's son and I was bound to took his place as the alpha soon. That is why my mother had been forcing me to find my mate as soon as possible. I don't care about being an alpha, though. I'd rather be an omega doing chores and taking care of the pups than to tackle on greater responsibilities. I'm not as strong or as responsible as a leader they think I was. I'm not even able to win any fight through out my whole life. Neither can I lead a whole pack. It was Kai's thing to be a leader. Not me. I'd prefer to stay at home than to go outside and hunt. I think, I'd prefer to be a housewife...

...even though it'll be weird to call a man like that...

Well... I'm never manly to begin with, anyway...

Too effeminate to be called a man...

My mother had gathered up the she-wolves of our pack again, in hopes of me finding my mate. I do appreciates each of their beauty but I cannot imagine myself being one with any of them romantically. I'm... Not into girls.

I'm gay.

But I cannot say that out loud or else, the alpha (who is my own father) will castrate me in front of everyone. He is crazy about natural order. He may not be a religious bigot but he acts like one. While others won't mind having gay wolves in their pack. My father won't tolerate such an act. He believes that men should only lie with women. Any of the wolves in our pack who would stray from that belief will be vanished or killed. My father is the ultimate homophone, at least for me.

I do even heard that he castrated his own brother with his bare hands for mating with another wolve from another pack and vanished him. While my uncle's mate was left unscathed in his own pack, my uncle walked away from our pack with bruises and heavy bleeding between his legs. My father didn't even regret his decision. He didn't even grief when we found out that he died the next day by the hands of the hunters.

He believes that men who falls in love with other men doesn't need their balls...

So... He done that to him...

I know that I don't want to be with any women romantically but I don't want to die. I'm good at pretending that I'm interested, anyway. No one doubts me at all. I might as well not thread across the water curiously and remain on the shore. I might as well not think about liking any male at all.

But then, he came... And made me fall in-love...

He came from a pack from another forest in the west. His whole pack was hunted down by the hunters so our pack decided to 'adopt' him since living him all alone means leaving him vulnerable to any harm. While other packs doesn't agree with letting in 'rogues' like him, we are actually considerate and let him stay at least... Until his wounds are healed.

Anyway... During his stay...

I tried not to fall in love.

Granted that I was already interested in him because he is handsome and all, I tried my best to avoid him.

But there was this pull that attracts me to him every time. I would always find my self curious about him. I had even eavesdrop during his conversation with dad so I could hear his name.


Such a unique and manly name compared to my girly name, Ruki.

A day had passed and I found myself talking with him. He would tell me things about the place he had come from. I've never been so far away so I was curious. What ever interesting thing he says, I find myself amazed... And maybe, the fact that he was talking to me and smiles occasionally makes it all special.

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