Master's Blood Bath

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Warning/s : smut/gore/cannibalism

(Ruki's POV)

I have a master...
Who was very very strange...
For he had to bathe in blood...
In order to stay alive...

And... I am very very strange too...
For I am a human...
...who eats human flesh...
In order to survive...


Beasts live in the forest and its a common knowledge that people should stay away from it...

That is why I find it strange to realize that me and my parents are in the forest that night...

I was just an eight year-old boy when my parents were murdered by a hungry beast. They were both devoured right before my eyes and all I could do was to watch and wait for my own turn...

... When he came and saved me.

But... He was a monster himself.

He, at first glance, would look like a simple human being. No sharp teeth nor thick fur. He had a very pale white skin... but who doesn't? Most fair maiden I knew all had fair white skin. Even my own mother.

But his' looks like my grandmother's when I peaked at her in her casket during her funeral...

Dead pale... Almost white...

The way his face was hidden behind a mask was strange too and the air around him is mysterious.

I wanted to beg for him to save me but my voice betrayed me for I couldn't speak. I was so scared and all I could do was to tremble on the ground and sobbed like the child I was.

He blankly looked at me with cold, grey eyes. It sent shivers down my spine and I can't help but to silence myself. I had even stopped breathing and if not for the fact that he had turned away, I would have stayed that way and die.

I was worried for his life. My thought at that moment was 'He will surely die...' because he was a human like me...

But then, all he had to do was to held the beast by the neck with one hand and chocked it. The beast whimpered like a mutt in pain as the grip on its neck grew tighter...

Then... The bones on its neck was crushed. Its head dangling sideways by its skin before it was thrown harshly against a tree.

That moment, I've realized that he is different..

And, If not that beast... Then surely, this man would kill me...

I watched fearfully as he slowly walked towards me with confident strides while his fierce eyes boring holes into my skull. I cannot look away. I fear that when I lost eye contact, he'll rush towards me and choke me like what he had done to the beast.

Soon, he was only a step away from me. I cannot will my body to move to escape anymore because my senses feels numb. I flinched when he bent down and reached out a hand towards me, which made me close my eyes tightly.

I'd rather not see him end my life. I hope that it would be quick and painless...

But then, he surprised me by gently cupping my cheek with his soft, cold palm. Making me look up to him uncertainly. The cold gaze remained on his feature but his deep voice made me realized his concern.

"Are you hurt?" He asked as I shook my head. He then let me go only to lift me up from the cold forest ground and held me in his arms.

"M-my parents..." I whispered as I peaked behind his shoulder. He then patted the back of my head and sighed.

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