Master's Blood Bath (alternate ending)

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(Happened after they had fun in the tub...)

"Master?" I asked as he stared down at me with that blank expression on his face...

"What a foolish brat..." He chuckled loudly before he whispered to my ears. "I hate disobeying bitches... And you've disobeyed me twice now..."

He then smirked evilly down at me which made me feel frightened and scared.

The last time I saw him like this was when he was killing that beast ten years ago...

"You're pushing your luck too much, you insolent brat..." He pulled away from me harshly, making me yelp in pain. "Disobeying my order to never show your face around this place... And for my order to never disobey me from ten years ago. You sure are a fu king brave brat to pull that stunt against a monster like me..."

"M-master..." I shivered beneath him in fear as he leaned his face so close to mine, our foreheads touched.

"You said we were the same... We were both monsters. But... Aren't you just a naive brat?" He chuckled as I started to grit my teeth and whimpered. "How about I make you a monster like me so that statement would be true?"

"M-master... D-don't... Please, don't..." I pleaded as he cupped my cheeks with both hands.

"Look how scared you are... You chose to stay beside me which means you chose to be owned by me... Which also means I could do everything I desire to you..." He then let his hands trail down my chest and his nose nuzzle against my neck, "isn't that right? Ruki..."

"Mas-ahhhh!!" I screamed in pain as he bit onto my neck harshly. I could feel sharp teeth boring deeper and deeper onto my flesh and I can't help but to cry.

The bite is so painful. Other than feeling the bite wound itself, I could feel it burn as if acid was being poured into it.

Was it venom? Is he going to kill me?

It hurts so much and the way he nibbles and gnaws at my flesh makes it worse. I tried to push him away but I've only start to grow weaker and weaker each second that passed...

And then...
As I was about to lose consciousness...
He kissed me...
And other than the taste of my own blood, I could taste something bitter that burned down my throat...

Whatever it was, I don't like it...

"This will give you no other choice but to stay with me forever..."

"Mas...ter..." Was all I could whisper as my vision slowly fade...

A/N: so, this is the short alternative version of the ending where Ruki was turned against his will by Reita as a punishment.

By the way, Reita isn't a vampire. Whatever he was, he isn't...

He is a snake-like beast if you insist to ask...

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