Puzzle pieces

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(Aoi's POV)

A long time had passed since you were gone...
My life has been a wreck ever since the day death has taken you away from me...
Oh how regretful I was for not saying how much I love you...
It pains me how you were so unexpectedly taken away that I haven't even had a chance to say goodbye...

You were a cold, life less corpse bathed in your own blood when I had found you...
I can still even remember the suffocating sweet scent of death that lingered in the air at that unfortunate moments...

My beautiful love...
You don't deserve to die like this...
To die a painful slow death by the hands of a demon who murdered you...

I had been searching for the person who had wronged you...
I'd been spending my days searching for clues...
Clues that has long faded ever since that unfortunate day...
I don't plan to stop and neither could anyone stop me from seeking justice...
They may coax me to giving up...
Tell me to let go of your case and move on...
But I swore on your grave that I'll find the person who did this to you and I won't give up until I lay on my own grave beside you...

Its the only reason why I'm still here, miserable and living...

I will avenge your death so we may soon both rest our souls in piece...
I will never ever find another love like yours...
You are my soulmate...
The only one for me...
Now that you were gone, I must follow...
But not until I had done my revenge... Our revenge.

But fate has other plans for me...
And the love I claimed was the one and only for me...
...became overshadowed by my lust for another...

He is a beautiful young man...
Alluring eyes...
Captivating lips...
Porcelain white skin...
He is every man's wet dream only that he was in the body of another man.
He was even more feminine than most girl I know... And anyone else would think it was a shame...

Prettier... Sexier...
He could entice any man that he wants...

And I was one of those men who had became slave to the seduction of the seductress...

I made love to him that same night... Though I was certain it was mere lust.

A guilty, shameful feeling swells in my chest for my betrayal...
But my needs overpowered my love...
And I had momentarily forgotten my beloved as I laid in someone's arms...

Days passed and I was completely shackled to my desires...
I found myself coming back to this beautiful being that should have been just a one-night escape...

A day came though, and as if a wail of my forgotten love in an abyss of misery...
As if a plead for me not to forget and let go of him...

A clue to find the culprit arose...

During the time I had found my love lying dead on the thin blanket of his own blood...
A glinting piece of metal was tightly held onto his bloodied hand...

It was a part of a puzzle pendant...
The kind that was one-of-a-kind and special...
It even has Reita's name on it...
Lovers would divide pendants like this among themselves...

But the other part wasn't mine... Was never mine...

It was with this sinfully beautiful being...



"What is it?" He asked with a soft smile and I still cannot comprehend the bit of a truth being slowly presented to me...

"Its... A beautiful pendant..." Was all I could say as I stared at the pendant, that was glinting teasingly, on his pale chest. It was a heart with a missing center piece that I knew would be a perfect fit to the one I had found in Reita's hand...

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