Chapter 3: Rejection

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TRIGGER WARNING: There is an attempt at sexual assault in this chapter. To skip over it stop reading at  "That sounds perfect." and begin again at "Thunder masked the sound of..." Please do what is best for you and stay safe. Thank you.

Freed closed the door behind him, leaning his head back on the door frame, as he took in heavy breaths. His heart was racing at what felt like a hundred miles a minute.

Pull yourself together Freed. Laxus just likes long hair. It's nothing special. You're nothing special to him. He tried to reassure himself.

Freed's felt these feelings before. He was always left to look like a fool once he realized small instances between him and Laxus had no ulterior meaning. He just likes long hair. Freed kept repeating to himself as he walked to the front desk of the inn. Or does Laxus like me? No. He's not in your league. Drop it.

He tried to bury the small hope that lit under him before his past feelings resurfaced.


After about fifteen minutes Freed returns, "The innkeeper says there's a bar down the street. We can eat and grab a drink."

Laxus nods in agreement and starts changing. He wears a purple long sleeve muscle tee with a turtleneck, black pants, and his black coat with fur lining draped over his shoulders. Again, Freed can't help but notice how his clothes seem to fit him a little too perfectly.

Freed wore a black button up with black pants, and typical dress shoes. He left a couple buttons at the top of his shirt undone and wrapped a belt around his waist. His hair was pulled down and he tied the ends of it together to have it lay down his back.

Laxus watched as Freed was buttoning his shirt. Damn he looks handsome. He quickly looked away, trying to keep the sudden pink appearance on his cheeks hidden.

The two of them head out to the bar on foot. The rain was still pouring, but the innkeeper lent them an umbrella. Since Laxus was the taller one, he held it up for the both of them.

"I'm surprised you want to go to a bar." Laxus says, "You usually don't like to drink until we finish a job."

"Well we'll be able to reach Moonlight by the end of the day tomorrow. I figured since we're ahead of schedule, we could relax for tonight" Freed replies.

The sound of rain surrounded them. The splashes of their feet in puddles as they walked grew louder as Freed was getting lost in his thoughts again.

Why was Laxus acting like this? Maybe I should make a move.

His throat dried up and he stopped walking, "Laxus..." he says in a mumble.

Laxus looked down at Freed. He noticed how Freed was staring at the ground while they walked.


"I want to do a unison raid with you."

Laxus' eyes widen. He turned his whole body to Freed.

"You want to do what?"

"A unison raid" Freed repeats.

Laxus scans Freed.

He can tell this had been on his mind for a while, but why hasn't he ever mentioned it before their trip alone? Before he could think about it any further he felt the word leave his mouth.


"What do you mean no?" Freed shoots Laxus a look of confusion. His brows now furrowed. "I thought this trip was to help us improve. If we could perfect a unison raid we'd really be unstop-"

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