Chapter 11: Memories

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Laxus burst through the infirmary doors. He turned to the left to see Bickslow and Evergreen standing there with a look of surprise on their faces. Tears were streaming from Ever's eyes. It was obvious that they had heard everything. Laxus touched his cheek and found he'd also been crying. He turned away from his friends and left without saying a word.

"I-I'm gonna go after him," Evergreen said, wiping her tears off her face.

Bickslow nodded, "I'll see if I can talk to Freed once he's calmed down. Watch his back."

The two gave each other a look of agreement before Ever left to follow Laxus.


What the hell was I even saying to him?! You're such an idiot Laxus! I have no right to say those things to Freed.

Laxus made his way to his room. He stared at the wall above his desk. Old pictures of the Thunder legion out on jobs were hung up by Freed himself. There was one of just him and Freed. It was when Freed was helping Laxus move into his room after being accepted back into Fairy Tail. Laxus recalled the memory;

"Why do I need pictures of us on the wall? I'm going to see you guys every day." Laxus groaned.

"Your room is so plain Laxus," Freed retorted, "filling it with our memories will make it feel more like home." He turned to grab the polaroid camera on Laxus' desk. "Smile!"

Freed snapped a picture of the two of them and moved to the bed. He sat next to Laxus as the image revealed itself. Freed was photo ready as usual, while Laxus' face was stuck in a pout.

"Ah, what the hell?" Laxus complained, looking at the photo.

Freed burst out in an uncontrollable laughter. Laxus was taken aback by the sound of Freed's laugh. It had been so long since he'd heard it. He watched Freed as he laughed and felt a slight flush of heat spread across his cheeks. He turned away trying to hide the smile that was forming on his face.

"This is definitely going on the wall!" Freed got up and hung the picture with the rest. He turned to see Laxus staring at him, "What is it? Did I put it in the wrong place?"

"No, it's not that." Laxus walked up to Freed, "You've changed." Freed felt his throat dry up. "In a good way. I mean... you seem... happier." Laxus turned away his gaze once more.

"I'm a lot happier now that you've returned." Freed said, staring into Laxus' eyes. "I missed you." Freed blushed as he realized what he had just said, "I-I mean we all missed you!"

The flustered look on Freed's face was playing over and over again in Laxus' head until he felt hot tears reach his eyes. Those days were gone. Freed didn't feel that way for him anymore. Not only that, but Freed had been tortured. Tortured and beaten until he was broken, all while Laxus was fooling around at the guild. Frustration and guilt took over him once again and he swiped everything off of his desk, making a loud clatter noise. He fell back against the wall and slid to the floor next to all of the mess he'd just made. He had his arms resting on his knees and hung his head in shame as the tears continued to fall.

There was a slight creak in Laxus' door. He looked up and saw Evergreen standing in the doorway. When Ever saw the state Laxus was in, she immediately ran to his side. She pulled him into a hug, cradling his head.

"I ruined everything Ever," Laxus' voice was quiet, defeated, "how could I screw up this badly?"

"You didn't know Laxus. None of us did." Evergreen tried to console him.

"I should have. I should have gone back to look for his body. I should have made sure he was still alive. All I want is to protect him, but all I ever do is hurt him." Laxus moved his head into the palm of his hands, "And instead of hearing him out when I finally found him, I acted like some jealous boyfriend. He went through hell because of me."

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