Chapter 7: After part 2

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The entire guild went silent.

Laxus and Bickslow picked themselves off the floor. Lisanna immediately ran to Bickslow's aid. She cleaned up the blood trailing from his nose. Laxus stood up, brushed the dirt off his pants, and spit some blood from his own mouth. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. The entire guild was in a circle. The former Thunder Legion, Makarov, and the Strauss siblings were in the center of it. In the front rows were Natsu's team, Gajeel, Levy, and Juvia. Evergreen had tears breaching her eyes.

"The two of you," Makarov pointed to Bickslow and Laxus with fury in his eyes, "in my office. Now!"

Makarov stormed off past Natsu and Mirajane. Both men hung their heads in shame as they followed, beaten and bruised. Mira had her hand to her chest, shocked at what she just witnessed. Laxus avoided making eye contact. As soon as Makarov's door slammed shut, the entire guild released a breath they didn't know they were holding in.

"What was all that about?!" Natsu asked.

"Not what, who." Gray responded.

"I think we know exactly who that was about" Gajeel glanced at Mirajane.


Makarov slammed his office door shut as soon as Laxus and Bickslow walked in, making the two men flinch.

"Take a seat" Makarov's voice was cold.

"Why do I feel like I just got sent to the principal's office?" Laxus quipped.

"Shut the hell up and sit down!"

The two men sat down immediately. Laxus underestimated just how mad Makarov was.

"Idiot" Bickslow insulted under his breath.

Makarov moved to take a seat on top of his desk. He rubbed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"What has gotten into the two of you? You're like brothers. Seeing the two of you like this breaks my heart." Makarov couldn't have sounded more disappointed.

Laxus and Bickslow gave each other the side eye. Neither one of them responded.

"I understand that you've lost one of your teammates. We all lost a valuable guildmate, a member of our family. Freed was really one of a kind."

Bickslow clenched his jaw. Laxus furrowed his brows. Both seemed to be holding back their pain at the sound of hearing Freed's name.

"I had an idea of how the two of you were grieving, and I've been letting it slide for the most part. This was before I realized it was interfering with your teamwork, before you got the whole guild involved." Makarov's voice shifted into lecture mode. "How on earth do you think you're going to avenge your fallen comrade by acting like a bunch of children!?"

Bickslow and Laxus did indeed resemble children. They felt like they were getting scolded by their parents. There was a long pause before Makarov spoke again.

"I'm sending the two of you on a reconnaissance mission for Moonlight."

Laxus jerked his head up instantly. This was the first time he was hearing something about the Moonlight mission from Makarov himself.

"Master, can't I just do this on my own? Is it necessary to have him with me? He'll just hold me back." Bickslow said, making a jab at Laxus.

"You know that's not true, Bickslow." Makarov uncrossed his arms, "I am sending you to a town that is near Moonlight. There have been reports of gang activity in the surrounding towns. Laxus knows the area."

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