Chapter 12: Conflict

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"I won't ask you again," his father's eyes burned into his. He tightened his grip on Freed's hair.

"F-father, I-I was just..." Freed's eyes were locked onto his father's. His worst fear was coming into fruition. He never intended to have his father come to Fairy Tail. He wanted to keep Magnolia safe from his plan of annihilation.

Before Freed could think of some excuse, he was being lifted up to his feet by his hair. His father was dragging him out of the infirmary and to the guild's main hall. When they reached their destination, Freed saw that everyone from Fairy Tail was on the floor. Even Natsu and Gray were knocked out cold.

"We've taken care of this problem already. It's time, Freed."

"W-what did you do to them?!" Freed tried to fight his way out of his father's grasp, but his father managed to grab him by the wrist.

"Calm down. We just put them to sleep. We can't have them interrupting our plans now can we?"

Our plans? No. It's too soon for this. Where's Damian? There's no way he found the last artifact already.

"After everything I gave you, you still decided to run away?" His father questioned.

Freed clenched his jaw, "You're wrong. I didn't run away. What reason would I have to run away from you?"

"Hmm I don't know son, you tell me. Maybe you still have some hope that you and that dragon slayer can live happily ever after."

Freed dropped his head to the floor. To this day, he is still seen as some lovesick boy with no other ambition than winning Laxus' love. When he lifted his head to scan the guild once more, he noticed a couple members who were missing. He looked around and happened to lock eyes with Bickslow, who was hiding behind the stage. He must've been out of range of the sleeping spell when it was cast.

Get help, Freed mouthed.

Bickslow hesitated, but something in Freed's eyes told him this wasn't up for discussion. He disappeared behind the curtain and Freed turned back to his father.

"They're almost here, now behave." His father slipped the cuff that had the two headed snake onto Freed's wrist and tightened it.

"Who's almost here??"

As soon as the question left Freed's mouth, the guild's doors burst open. Marissa and Damian walked through the doors. Freed felt some sort of relief after seeing Damian. It had been almost three days since he was taken from Moonlight. His face was still slightly bruised, due to his encounter with Laxus and Bickslow, and he was carrying some sort of long item wrapped in cloth.

"Did you have any trouble finding it?" Freed's father asked the two soldiers.

"Not at all master," Marissa answered. "Like taking candy from a baby."

Damian locked his eyes onto Freed's. Now! With that signal, Freed stomped on his father's foot, causing him to yell out in pain. Just as Marissa was about to move forward, Damian swung the bottom of the clothed item to hit her jaw. Marissa fell to the floor and Damian grabbed Freed's hand.

"Let's go!" Damian started heading for the guild doors.

Freed ran with him, "Go?! Shouldn't we finish him off now?!"

"No! I was wrong Freed, we need to get you as far away from your father as possi-"

Before Damian could finish his explanation, he was being yanked backwards out of Freed's grasp. A glowing collar made out of scriptures was wrapped around his neck, dragging him back to Freed's father.

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