Chapter 6: After

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The sun was bright and the refreshing atmosphere of the ocean felt romantic. Under a blue umbrella lays Laxus on a beach towel. There was one more towel next to him, only it was vacant. Laxus' chest was bare, glowing with a fresh layer of sunscreen on it. The only thing on his body was a pair of red swim shorts. A wave splashed against flesh, a cute giggle followed. Laxus propped himself on his elbows. He looked straight ahead and saw Freed making his way from the wet sand.

"Laxus! The water feels great!" giggled Freed as he waved at Laxus.

Laxus furrowed his brows, scanning Freed's slender abs. Droplets of water mixed with sand speckled all over his body. His ears instantly felt hot.

"Yeah well, I think I can live without the sand getting in places I can't reach."

"But I have so much fun cleaning it off of you!" Freed teased. "Guess you'll have to clean me now."

Laxus sensed his face grow red by the thought of cleaning Freed's body. Freed ran his hand through his hair, pushing his bangs to the back of his head. Laxus couldn't help but stare at his barely exposed forehead. Beads of water trailed Freed's cheek, down his jawline. Laxus followed one bead on top of his cupid's bow.

"See something you like?" Freed broke him out of his trance with a smirk on his face.

He's being extra flirty today.

"No... uhm" Laxus stuttered, "I mean yes-"

"I'm just teasing you." Freed sat down on the towel next to Laxus. He braided his hair and tied it to the side. He laid his head on Laxus' lap with a sigh of relief. "You're so warm," he said with his eyes closed.

Laxus pushed himself into a sitting position, being careful enough not to move Freed's head. He examined Freed's face. He brushed his fingers through Freed's wet hair. He smelled like fresh salt water. His knuckles rubbed Freed's cheekbone, barely grazing past the beauty mark under his left eye. It was the most intimate Freed and Laxus had been together. He noticed freckles starting to form on Freed's face.

"You know, you should have put sunscreen on before going out there" Laxus scolded.

"I did!" Freed opened his eyes to pout at Laxus, "After I covered you in sunscreen I put some on myself, but I just wanted to get in the water as soon as possible so it might've washed off."

"You're hopeless" Laxus cradled his head. He couldn't help but smile when looking at Freed. He felt happy. He was in his paradise. His sanctuary.

He gazed across the ocean, taking in the view. The sun began to set.


Laxus looked down to make eye contact with Freed's sunburnt face. Only it wasn't there anymore. He lifted one hand up to find it was covered in blood. He felt his eyes go wide and his heart jump to his throat. When he looked down again Freed's face was pale, blood trailing down his mouth. They were back at the church.

"Laxus, I.. I can't... breathe."

"I know. I know Freed, just hang in there alright? We're gonna get you back to the guild and-"

What's happening? Why does this feel familiar?

"Before I die Laxus, I need to tell you something."

It was like static feedback from a television. Flashes of the beach would turn into the church. Freed's face would be smiling and sunburnt one second then pale and lifeless the next.

"Freed, stop. Don't say it."

They were in the church now. Freed looked up at him, both of their eyes were filled with tears.

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